

Code | Name | Price 00106 | Water | 9.99 00107 | Onion | 8.99 


  • 00F表示列标题
  • 00I表示插入一行

还有其他像( 00D用于删除行或00U用于更新)

 00F 0101 02Code 031 00F 0102 02Name 031 00F 0103 02Price 030 00I 0100106 02Water 030999 00I 0100107 02Onion 030899 

我想创建处理此文件的导入程序并将其推送到我的数据库中。 所以我开始实现:

 class Importer CONN = ActiveRecord::Base.connection F = "00F" I = "00I" def extract_to_database(collection) add = true tmp = [] type = F inserts = [] collection.each_with_index do |line, i| _type = line.strip _changed = [F,I].include? _type if _changed && i > 0 case type when F then @f << tmp when I group_id = Group.find_by(code: tmp[1]).id inserts.push "(group_id,'#{tmp[2]}','#{tmp[3]}')" end tmp = [] type = _type end tmp << line end sql = "INSERT INTO products (`group_id`, `name`, `price`) VALUES #{inserts.join(", ")}" CONN.execute sql end end 


而且我将不得不通过code找到其他模型并将相关的some_model_id列放到products表中,这样可能会使整个过程复杂化。 因为现在导入这些数据需要几个小时。


这里没有Ruby无法处理的东西。 目前还不清楚“函数式编程”是如何帮助这一点的,因为这是一种经典的状态机问题,正在进行一些简单的数据转换。


 class SomethingImporter FIELD_MARKER = "00F" INSERT_MARKER = "00I" COLUMNS = %w[ group_id name price ] # Performs the insert into a given model. This should probably be a class # method on the model itself. def bulk_insert(model, rows) sql = [ "INSERT INTO `#{model.table_name}` (#{columns.collect { |c| }}" ] # Append the placeholders: (?,?,?),(?,?,?),... sql[0] += ([ '(%s)' % ([ '?' ] * COLUMNS.length).join(',') ] * rows.length).join(',') sql += rows.flatten model.connection.execute(model.send(:sanitize_sql, sql)) end # Resolve a group code to a group_id value, and cache the result so that # subsequent look-ups for the same code are valid. def group_id(group_code) @find_group ||= { } # This tests if any value has been cached for this code, including one # that might be nil. if (@find_group.key?(group_code)) return @find_group[group_code] end group = Group.find_by(code: group_code) @find_group[group_code] = group && group.id end # Call this with the actual collection, lines stripped, and with any header # lines removed (eg collection.shift) def extract_rows(collection) state = nil rows = [ ] row = [ ] collection.each_with_index do |line| case (line) when FIELD_MARKER # Indicates field data to follow state = :field when INSERT_MARKER case (state) when :insert rows << [ row[0], row[1], (row[2].sub(/^0+/, '').to_f / 100) ] end state = :insert row = [ ] else case (state) when :field # Presumably you'd pay attention to the data here and establish # a mapping table. when :insert row << line.sub(/^\d\d/, '') # puts row.inspect end end end case (state) when :insert rows << [ row[0], row[1], (row[2].sub(/^0+/, '').to_f / 100) ] end rows end end data = < 


 [["00106", "Water", 9.99], ["00107", "Onion", 8.99]] 

在编写这样的代码时,请务必公开中间结果 ,以便能够测试正在发生的事情。 您的实现会一次性获取数据并将其直接转储到数据库中,如果它无法正常运行,很难分辨哪些内容出错。 该版本由几种方法组成,每种方法都有更具体的用途。

在你的原始例子中不清楚为什么你要解析group_id ,你的示例输出与此无关,但作为一个例子,我已经包含了一个方法来解决它们并保持它们被缓存,避免重复查找事情。 对于更大规模的导入,您可能会加载许多行,提取不同的group_id值,一次加载它们,并在插入之前重新映射它们。