
所以这是我的代码。 这是非常不言自明的。

print "How old are you? " age = gets.chomp() print "How tall are you?" height = gets.chomp() print "How much do you weigh?" weight = gets.chomp() puts "So, you're #{age} old, #{height} tall and #{weight} heavy." 


 $ C:/Ruby200/bin/ruby.exe ex11.rb 11 11 11 How old are you? How tall are you?How much do you weigh?So, you're 11 old, 11 tall and 11 heavy. 


我认为你的问题是:“我的所有提示都会在所有输入之后立即打印出来。那是什么原因?” 我有一个答案然后:)

print不会为字符串添加换行符。 并且STDOUT在完成整行之前不会刷新。 简单修复:用puts替换print (添加newline char)

 puts "How old are you? " age = gets.chomp() puts "How tall are you?" height = gets.chomp() puts "How much do you weigh?" weight = gets.chomp() puts "So, you're #{age} old, #{height} tall and #{weight} heavy."