
我正在尝试使用Active Merchant和active_paypal_adaptive_payment gem整合Paypal自适应结账。 在用户注册期间,用户需要注册他/她的paypal帐户才能在交易期间收到付款。

我已经为activemerchant设置了所有凭据。 在paypal中注册用户帐户时出现以下错误。

您正在登录此交易的API调用者的帐户。 请更改您的登录信息,然后重试。

在此处输入图像描述 在结账时是否可以使用相同的API呼叫帐户作为次要接收者?


您可以使用API​​来电邮箱地址和辅助收件人电子邮件地址相同的连锁付款 。 您收到此错误You are logging into the account of the API caller of this transaction. Please change your login information and try again. You are logging into the account of the API caller of this transaction. Please change your login information and try again. 当您使用api来电者的电子邮件作为付款的发件人时。

 receiverList.receiver(0).email = YYY@gmail.com receiverList.receiver(0).amount = 5.00 receiverList.receiver(0).primary = true receiverList.receiver(1).email = XXX@gmail.com `this can be the api caller's email address as well` receiverList.receiver(1).amount = 2.00 receiverList.receiver(1).primary = false feesPayer = EACHRECEIVER