
我试图从Rails 3.2应用程序中的控制器调用javascript函数(实际上是coffeescript)。

Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action错误中Render and/or redirect were called multiple times in this action


 #Model.controller def index @models = Model.all my_action if current_user.name == "Bob" #or some other general conditional ...and some stuff respond_to do |format| format.html format.js #this is needed to handle ajaxified pagination end end def my_action respond_to do |format| format.js { render :js => "my_function();" } #this is the second time format.js has been called in this controller! end end #functions.js.coffee.erb window.my_function = -> i = xy return something_amazing 


男人,你错过了阻止的争论。 主要错误。

 def my_action #respond_to do # This line should be respond_to do |format| format.js { render :js => "my_function();" } end end 

而且,Yoshiji先生的观点是正确的。 但是你的错误是在服务器端,还没有到达客户端。

对于样式,我认为如果js代码只是一个函数调用就可以了。 如果有更多JS代码,最好渲染js模板

  # controller format.js # app/views/my_controller/my_action.js.erb my_function(); // and some more functions. 

更新 :如何修复双重渲染问题

如果满足条件,则必须返回#index,否则方法将继续执行并导致渲染两次或更多次。 修复如下:

 def index @models = Model.all if current_user.name == "Bob" return my_action else # ...and some stuff respond_to do |format| format.html format.js #this is needed to handle ajaxified pagination end end