Rails App维护而不妨碍访客

Phusion Passenger错误消息不是我希望访问者在我更新后端时登陆我的网站时看到的内容。

那么我该如何解决这个问题呢? 我的部署过程从一开始就存在缺陷吗? 还是有什么我错过了?


  • 提交对git仓库的新更新并推送到远程
  • 上限部署
  • ssh [ip]
  • 耙gem:安装
  • rake db:migrate
  • 黄瓜



但是,如果维护需要30分钟或一小时,这些命令将无法解决问题。 如何在这段时间内向访问者提供维护启动页面?


如果应用程序暂时不可用,您应该建立一个维护页面。 我使用这个Capistrano任务:

namespace :deploy do namespace :web do desc <<-DESC Present a maintenance page to visitors. Disables your application's web \ interface by writing a "maintenance.html" file to each web server. The \ servers must be configured to detect the presence of this file, and if \ it is present, always display it instead of performing the request. By default, the maintenance page will just say the site is down for \ "maintenance", and will be back "shortly", but you can customize the \ page by specifying the REASON and UNTIL environment variables: $ cap deploy:web:disable \\ REASON="a hardware upgrade" \\ UNTIL="12pm Central Time" Further customization will require that you write your own task. DESC task :disable, :roles => :web do require 'erb' on_rollback { run "rm #{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html" } reason = ENV['REASON'] deadline = ENV['UNTIL'] template = File.read('app/views/admin/maintenance.html.erb') page = ERB.new(template).result(binding) put page, "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html", :mode => 0644 end end end 



We're currently offline for <%= reason ? reason : 'maintenance' %> as of <%= Time.now.utc.strftime('%H:%M %Z') %>.

Sorry for the inconvenience. We'll be back <%= deadline ? "by #{deadline}" : 'shortly' %>.


  RewriteEngine On # Redirect all requests to the maintenance page if present RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\.(css|gif|jpg|png)$ RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/system/maintenance.html -f RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !maintenance.html RewriteRule ^.*$ /system/maintenance.html [L]  

要将应用程序置于维护模式,请运行cap deploy:web:disable并再次使其生效。执行cap deploy:web:enable