Rails4中的嵌套简单表单 – 有很多通过,保存多个记录

通过关系,我有一个标准的has_many。 通过连接表交互,人类拥有许多兽人。 互动只是一个表格和模型; 没有控制器或视图。

使用Rails 4中的simpleform gem,我想从人体页面创建一个表单,以便从所有兽人的池中选择多个兽人。 提交后,我希望它在交互表中创建/更新尽可能多的记录,每个记录都包含人员ID,并且选择了多个orc id。 :


  1. 从一端制作表格(人类)
  2. 列出表格中的所有兽人
  3. 从该列表中选择多个兽人
  4. 使用human_idorc_id将多个记录保存到交互表中,因为从该列表中选择了兽人。 (human_id在这些记录中将是相同的,因为它从给定的人类表单页面开始)

我将尽可能多地编写整个故事的代码。 请随时要求澄清,并解决任何错误,以实现这一点。

 humans integer "id" interactions integer "human_id" integer "orc_id" index ["human_id", "orc_id"] # This is the primary key. no normal id. # Is it better to have a primary id for this join table, or does it not matter? orcs integer "id" 



 class Human < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :interaction has_many :orcs, through: :interactions accepts_nested_attributes_for :interactions end 


 # Purely a join model and table. No controller, no scaffold. class Interaction <ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :human belongs_to :orc accepts_nested_attributes_for :orc # Singular to match what was specified in the belongs_to relationship? # Do I even need this if I'm only trying to read orcs to save their id into the interactions table, and not trying to modify orcs? end 


 class Orc< ActiveRecord::Base has_many :interactions has_many :humans, through: :interactions end 



 class HumansController < ApplicationController before_action :set_human, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] before_action :build_interaction, only: [:new, :edit] private def set_human @human = Human.find(params[:id]) end def human_params params.require(:human).permit( interaction_attributes: [:human_id, :orc_ids, # Is plural here correct? :_destroy] ) end def build_interaction @interaction = @human.interactions.build # Is the human instance variable valid here? # How many interactions are being built here? # How do I ensure there are as many interaction builds as there will be selected orcs (ie as many interaction records to be saved or updated)? end end 


 class OrcsController < ApplicationController before_action :set_orc, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy] private def set_orc @orc = Orc.find(params[:id]) end def orc_params params.require(:orc).permit() end end 



 = simple_form_for(@human, html: { multipart: true }) do |f| = f.simple_fields_for :interactions do |i| = i.hidden_field :human_id, value: @human.id = i.association :orc, collection: Orc.all ^ # Should this be :orc_id? # Does this code automatically extract the orc_id when saving to the interactions table? 


我错过了什么? 当我提交时,我确认在交互连接表中没有创建记录。


  1. 重复使用单个隐藏输入字段创建多个记录。
  2. 当交互表必须是单个orc时,获取一个orcs列表(因为它是在交互模型中使用belongs_to:orc定义的)

另外,在哪里可以找到更多关于如何使用复数forms的模型ID的工作(即简单地使用orc_ids而不是orc_id ,以及需要具体的后果)?

事实certificate,使用simple_form这实际上相当简单(谁知道?)。 它处理所有中间表的魔力(与Rails的真棒一起)。 你需要做的就是:

 = simple_form_for(@human, html: { Pmultipart: true }), do |f| = f.association :orcs 

我没有真正使用HAML所以在do |f|之前我不确定这个逗号 。 以下是我在ERB HTML中要说的内容

 <%= simple_form_for(@human) do |f| %> <%= f.association :orcs %> <% end %> 


 def orc_params params.require(:orc).permit(orc_ids: []) end 


 class Human < ActiveRecord::Base ... accepts_nested_attributes_for :orcs end 

就是这样! 它将自动创建连接对象。 你不喜欢魔法吗?

这将生成由所有兽人填充的多选字段。 您可以使用f.association :orcs, as: :check_boxes轻松地将其更改为复选框f.association :orcs, as: :check_boxes