
我正在尝试使用Cucumber测试登录function。 我的文件users_steps.rb包含

Given /^I am a user named "([^"]*)" with an email "([^"]*)" and password "([^"]*)"$/ do |name, email, password| u = User.new(:name => name, :email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password) u.skip_confirmation! u.save! end When /^I sign in as "(.*)\/(.*)"$/ do |email, password| #Given %{I am not logged in} When %{I go to the sign in page} And %{I fill in "user_email" with "#{email}"} And %{I fill in "user_password" with "#{password}"} And %{I press "Log Me In"} end Then /^I should be signed in$/ do Then %{I should see "Sign out"} end Then /^I should be signed in$/ do Then %{I should see "Sign out"} end Then /^I sign out$/ do visit('/account/logout') end 


  Scenario: User signs in successfully with email Given I am not logged in And I am a user named "foo" with an email "user@test.com" and password "please" When I go to the sign in page And I sign in as "user@test.com/please" Then I should be signed in When I return next time Then I should be already signed in 


我正在使用水豚。 我错过了什么?



 Given /^a valid user$/ do @user = User.create!({ :email => "minikermit@hotmail.com", :password => "12345678", :password_confirmation => "12345678" }) end Given /^a logged in user$/ do Given "a valid user" visit signin_url fill_in "Email", :with => "minikermit@hotmail.com" fill_in "Password", :with => "12345678" click_button "Sign in" end 


 Scenario: Login Given a valid user When I go to the login page And I fill in the following: |Email|minikermit@hotmail.com| |Password|12345678| And I press "Sign in" Then I should see "Signed in successfully." 

不要忘记在support / paths.rb中更改登录页面的路径

 when /the login page/ user_session_path 

这里我的路径是使用设计默认设置。 您可以使用rake routes来发现您的登录路径。

您可能需要更改“登录”,“成功登录”中的文字以匹配您的页面。 我的假设是你正在使用黄瓜+ capybara + devise的默认配置。