Rails 4多域应用程序,为每个域i18n语言环境设置语言环境

在Rails 4多域应用程序中,我需要一组针对每个域的4种语言的区域设置文件(总共3个域)。


config/locales/en.yml ..fr.yml ..de.yml ..it.yml #is picked up by all domains config/locales/domain1/en.yml ..fr.yml ..de.yml ..it.yml #is picked up by domain 1 config/locales/domain2/en.yml ..fr.yml ..de.yml ..it.yml #is picked up by domain 2 config/locales/domain3/en.yml ..fr.yml ..de.yml ..it.yml #is picked up by domain 3 

这可能在Rails 4中吗? 如果是这样的话,最好的方法是什么呢?


 some_domain = Rails.root.basename.to_s # this will give us "myapp.com" if the app is in "/var/www/myapp.com" config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('config', 'locales', some_domain, '*.{rb,yml}').to_s] 


请尝试使用i18n-active_record .in,我们可以将它存储在database中的所有locales中。

在这个gem中他们使用的translation模型没有关系,在你的情况下,你可以创建relationdomain之间的relation ,然后你可以存储所有语言环境与基于domain的时候,你可以覆盖默认的gem方法。


#my guess key应该是login-label-test.com domain = Domain.where(:name => namespace.split(“ – ”)。last).first




 require 'yaml' namespace :locale do desc "Copy translations from yml yo db. Non-overwriting." task :yml_to_db, [:environment, :locale,:domain] => :environment do |t, args| info = YAML::load(IO.read("#{Rails.root}/config/locales/#{args[:locale]}-#{args[:domain]}.yml")) domain = Domain.where(:name => args[:domain]).first info["#{args[:locale]}"].each do |key, value| translation = domain.translations.where(:key => key) domain.translations.create!(:key => key, :value => value, :locale => args[:locale]) if translation.blank? end end end 


 require 'active_record' module I18n module Backend class ActiveRecord class Translation < ::ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :domain TRUTHY_CHAR = "\001" FALSY_CHAR = "\002" self.table_name = 'translations' serialize :value serialize :interpolations, Array def lookup(keys, *separator) # in your keys should contain use domain name for find the domain or you can use some other way to get the domain name like in thread or env you can save your value. column_name = connection.quote_column_name('key') keys = Array(keys).map! { |key| key.to_s } unless separator.empty? warn "[DEPRECATION] Giving a separator to Translation.lookup is deprecated. " << "You can change the internal separator by overwriting FLATTEN_SEPARATOR." end namespace = "#{keys.last}#{I18n::Backend::Flatten::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR}%" # my guess key should be login-label-test.com domain = Domain.where(:name => namespace.split("-").last).first where("#{column_name} IN (?) OR #{column_name} LIKE ?", keys, namespace).where(:id => domain.id) end end end end 
