在RSpec / Rails验收测试中,有没有办法将消息推送到RSpec输出并保持良好的缩进?

我的验收测试(RSpec / Capybara)有一些很长的步骤序列都在一个单独的it...do块下,我想手动将每个步骤的一些附加文档添加到RSpec文档输出中。


 FooController New user creates account and creates profile it passes 


 FooController New user creates account and creates profile ... new user saw signup page! ... new user got email confirmation! ... confirmation link worked! ... new user saw empty profile! ... new user filled in profile it passes 



这就是我所做的…在我的规范中添加了一个nextstep(“message”)方法,使用awesome_print gem将“消息”输出到控制台,这样我就可以对它进行着色,也可以对记录器进行着色。

  def nextstep(txt) $step += 1 @speclog.debug '' @speclog.debug '' @speclog.debug "#{$scene}, step: #{$step}: " + txt ap (' ' * ($indent * 2 - 1)) + "step: #{$step}: " + txt, {:color => {:string => :blueish}} end 


 it "New user creates account and creates profile" do # some assertions nextstep "... new user saw signup page!" # some assertions nextstep " ... new user got email confirmation!" # some assertions nextstep " ... confirmation link worked!" # some assertions nextstep "... new user saw empty profile!" # some assertions nextstep "... new user filled in profile" end 


  step 1: ... new user saw signup page! step 2: ... new user got email confirmation! step 3: ... confirmation link worked! step 4: ... new user saw empty profile! step 5: ... new user filled in profile" 

最后,我通过在spec/support文件夹中的某处包含以下代码来选择自定义DocumentationFormatter (以确保自动加载):

 require "rspec/core/formatters/documentation_formatter" class RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup def step(msg) example.metadata[:step_messages] << msg if example.metadata[:step_messages] yield end end class RSpec::Core::Formatters::DocumentationFormatter def example_started(example) example.metadata[:step_messages] = [] end def example_passed(example) output.puts passed_output(example) print_steps(example) end private def print_steps(example) example.metadata[:step_messages].each do |msg| output.puts detail_color("#{' ' * (@group_level + 1)}#{msg}") end end end 

通过这个技巧,您可以获得一个可以在it块中使用的step方法。 使用--format documentation运行rspec时,将打印出来自step块的相关消息,并适当缩进。 例如,以下代码

 it "should show all and only appoved posts" do step "show all approved posts" do Post.all.approved.each do |post| should have_content(post.title) end end step "show only approved posts" do should have_selector(".post", count: Post.all.approved.count) end end 


 should show all and only appoved posts show all approved posts show only approved posts 
