
我已经在ruby on rails应用程序的lib目录中完成了一个模块

module Select def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def select_for(object_name, options={}) #does some operation self.send(:include, Selector::InstanceMethods) end end 


 include Selector select_for :organization, :submenu => :general 


  def select #Call the module here end 


 class MyController < ApplicationController include Select # You used to call this in the class scope, we're going to move it to # An instance scope. # # select_for :organization, :submenu => :general def show # Or any action # Now we're using this inside an instance method. # select_for :organization, :submenu => :general end end 

我要稍微改变你的模块。 这使用include而不是extendextend用于添加类方法,并include它用于添加实例方法:

 module Select def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include InstanceMethods end end module InstanceMethods def select_for(object_name, options={}) # Does some operation self.send(:include, Selector::InstanceMethods) end end end 

那会给你一个实例方法。 如果您想要实例和类方法,只需添加ClassMethods模块,并使用extend而不是include

 module Select def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods end end module InstanceMethods def select_for(object_name, options={}) # Does some operation self.send(:include, Selector::InstanceMethods) end end module ClassMethods def a_class_method end end end 

那清楚了吗? 在您的示例中,您将模块定义为Select但在控制器中包含Selector …我刚刚在我的代码中使用了Select