Rails3 omniauth google身份validation返回用户身份


require 'omniauth/openid' require 'openid/store/memcache' Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do OmniAuth.config.full_host = "http://xx.xx.xxx/" # dedicated openid provider :open_id, OpenID::Store::Memcache.new(Dalli::Client.new), :name => 'google', :identifier => 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id' end 


开始GET“/ auth / failure?message = invalid_credentials”for at 2011-12-01 02:22:20 +0000由ErrorsController处理#routing as HTML参数:{“message”=>“invalid_credentials”,“a “=>”auth / failure“}渲染公共/ 404.html(0.1ms)已完成404未在1ms内找到(视图:0.6ms | ActiveRecord:0.0ms)

我的OmniAuth.config.full_host中的ip in for也不一样可能导致问题?



 module OmniAuth module Strategies # OmniAuth strategy for connecting via OpenID. This allows for connection # to a wide variety of sites, some of which are listed [on the OpenID website](http://openid.net/get-an-openid/). class OpenID protected def callback_url uri = URI.parse(request.url) uri.path += '/callback' # by KirylP: to overcome hosting subdomain forwarding to rails port uri.port = '' if request.env.has_key? 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER' uri.to_s end end end end module Rack class OpenID SERVER_PORT_TO_AVOID = 12002 private def realm_url(req) url = req.scheme + "://" url << req.host scheme, port = req.scheme, req.port if scheme == "https" && port != 443 || scheme == "http" && port != 80 url << ":#{port}" if port != SERVER_PORT_TO_AVOID # KirylP end url end end end module OpenID class Consumer def complete(query, current_url) message = Message.from_post_args(query) current_url.sub!(":#{Rack::OpenID::SERVER_PORT_TO_AVOID}", '') # KirylP mode = message.get_arg(OPENID_NS, 'mode', 'invalid') begin meth = method('complete_' + mode) rescue NameError meth = method(:complete_invalid) end response = meth.call(message, current_url) cleanup_last_requested_endpoint if [SUCCESS, CANCEL].member?(response.status) cleanup_session end return response end end end 

我有类似的问题。 好像你的谷歌认证失败(可能是由于不同的原因 – 无效的凭据,或用户拒绝访问),因此你收到/ auth / failure回调 – 然后你得到404。

你是否在routes.rb中实现了/auth/failure的路由? 在我目前的项目中:


 match '/auth/failure', :to => 'sessions#failure' 


 def failure redirect_to session[:return_uri] || root_path, alert: "Sorry, we were not able to authenticate you using your chosen sign on method" end