
我想在表单上的参数表面前添加一个字符串,以便当用户在表单上提交内容时,它会发布到外部API,我的客户端可以登录到freshdesk.com,而不是说BOB ,它会Hello from BOBHello from BOB

 Hello from [:username] 


 = f.text_field "Hello From, #{:username}" 

但它不起作用。 我也尝试使用一个值:

 = f.text_field :subject, value: "Hello From, #{:username}" 

但这也不起作用。 这是我的表格:

 = form_for(:contacts, url: contacts_path) do |f| = f.error_messages = f.label :subject, "Name" %span{style: 'color: red'} * = f.text_field :subject, class: "text_field width_100_percent" %br %br = f.label "Email" %span{style: 'color: red'} * %br = f.email_field :email, class: "text_field width_100_percent" %br %br = f.label "Question(s), and/or feedback" %span{style: 'color: red'} * %br = f.text_area :description, class: "text_field width_100_percent", style: 'height: 100px;' %br %br = f.submit "Submit", class: 'btn btn-warning' 


 def new @contacts = Form.new end def create @contacts = Form.new(params[:contacts]) @contacts.post_tickets(params[:contacts]) if @contacts.valid? flash[:success] = "Message sent! Thank you for conacting us." redirect_to new_contact_path else flash[:alert] = "Please fill in the required fields" render action: 'new' end end 


 class Form include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Translation extend ActiveModel::Naming attr_accessor :config, :client, :subject, :email, :custom_field_phone_number_28445, :custom_field_name_28445, :custom_field_company_28445, :description, :custom_field validates_presence_of :subject, :message => '^Please enter your name' validates_presence_of :description, :message => '^Question(s), and/or feedback can not be blank' validates :email, presence: true validates_format_of :email, :with => /^[-a-z0-9_+\.]+\@([-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z0-9]{2,4}$/i def initialize(attributes = {}) attributes.each do |name, value| @attributes = attributes end self.config = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/fresh_desk.yml")[Rails.env] self.client = Freshdesk.new(config[:url], config[:api_key], config[:password]) end def read_attribute_for_validation(key) @attributes[key] end def post_tickets(params) client.post_tickets(params) end def persisted? false end end 

你的观点应该有简单的领域,没有魔力。 我们将使用Form类来完成复杂的操作。

 = f.text_field :subject 

对post_tickets的方法调用不需要接收params因为Form对象已经使用params值初始化。 另外,我认为你不应该发票,除非该对象有效,对吧?

 def create @contacts = Form.new(params[:contacts]) if @contacts.valid? @contacts.post_tickets flash[:success] = "Message sent! Thank you for contacting us." redirect_to new_contact_path else flash[:alert] = "Please fill in the required fields" render action: 'new' end end 


 class Form # Some code omitted def initialize(attributes = {}) attributes.each do |name, value| send("#{name}=", value) end end def post_tickets client.post_tickets({ :whatever_fields => whatever_attribute, :username => username, :subject => "Hello from, #{subject}", :email => email, :description => description }) end end 

这样,Form对象具有用户提交的正确值,但是您已经覆盖了已发布的主题,因此它将返回您想要的组合字符串,并显示“Hello from …”

在post_tickets中,通过已初始化Form对象的属性直接引用要发送的参数。 在subject的情况下,您将发送组合值。



您应该在您的模型中通过在值que表单发送给您之前添加子字符串来执行此操作。 这似乎是业务逻辑,它不应该在视图中。

 def post_tickets(params) client.username = "Hello From, " + client.username client.post_tickets(params) end