

例如,我有一个私钥’private’,一个公钥’public’,一个消息’hello world’,并希望做类似的事情:

private_key = 'private' public_key = 'public' message = 'hello world' encrypted_value = Crypto.encrypt(message, private_key) # encrypted_value is now 'd92a01df241a3' is_verified = Crypto.verify(message, public_key) # given just the public key and the message, is_verified will # be able to tell whether it's accurate # note that the encrypted_value cannot be generated by just the public_key # but it can be verified by the public_key 

您正在寻找内置的Ruby OpenSSL包装器 。 该文档提供了如何执行此操作的示例。

注意:使用下面的.sign方法使用私钥对数据进行签名只会生成数字签名,但不会对数据进行加密。 根据您的问题,您不清楚是要加密数据还是仅validation消息。 如果要加密数据,还必须使用Cipher类。 您只需要一个数字签名来validation您的数据没有经过调整并且已经过您的签名!


 require 'openssl' # Load PRIVATE key private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read('private_key.pem')) # Sign your data signature = private_key.sign(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, message) # Our message signature that ensures that our data is signed by our private key puts signature # => "\x04\xEC\xCC?\xDE\x8F\x91>G\xC2*M\xA7j\xA5\x16\..." 

现在,将您的数据和签名发送到接收端。 此外,您可以考虑使用PKCS#7作为打包数据和签名的标准方法。


 require 'openssl' # Load PUBLIC key public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(File.read('public_key.pem')) # We have received the following data message = "Hello World!" signature = "\x04\xEC\xCC?\xDE\x8F\x91>G\..." # Long signature # Verify the message & its signature if public_key.verify(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, signature, message) "VALID: Signed by pair private key" else "NOT VALID: Data tampered or private-public key mismatch!" end 
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