
是否可以在ALL delayed_job任务之前运行方法?



你可以使用一个邪恶的双胞胎,根据定义,这是一个黑客,但应该工作。 请参阅我在代码中添加的注释,以获得有关您需要进行调整的一些解释。


 Delayed::Backend::ActiveRecord::Job.class_eval do def self.foo puts "I'm about to enqueue your job. Maybe throw an exception. Who knows!?" end def self.enqueue(*args, &block) object = block_given? ? EvaledJob.new(&block) : args.shift # Do your checking or whatever here. foo unless object.respond_to?(:perform) || block_given? raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform' end priority = args.first || 0 run_at = args[1] # Notice that this is now "Delayed::Job" instead of "Job", because otherwise # Rails will try to call "Rails::Plugin::Job.create" and you'll get explosions. Delayed::Job.create(:payload_object => object, :priority => priority.to_i, :run_at => run_at) end end 

现在有一种官方方法可以通过插件来实现。 这篇博文清楚地描述了如何做到这一点,例如http://www.salsify.com/blog/delayed-jobs-callbacks-and-hooks-in-rails (本文中描述的一些事件可能已经过时。见下文基于lated DJ源的更新列表)


 # config/initializers/delayed_job_my_delayed_job_plugin.rb module Delayed module Plugins class MyDelayedJobPlugin < Plugin callbacks do |lifecycle| # see below for list of lifecycle events lifecycle.after(:invoke_job) do |job| # do something here end end end end end Delayed::Worker.plugins << Delayed::Plugins::MyDelayedJobPlugin 


  :enqueue => [:job], :execute => [:worker], :loop => [:worker], :perform => [:worker, :job], :error => [:worker, :job], :failure => [:worker, :job], :invoke_job => [:job]