
SystemExit与其他Exception的行为有何不同? 我想我理解为什么提出一个正确的例外是不好的一些推理。 例如,您不希望发生类似这样的奇怪事件:

 begin exit rescue => e # Silently swallow up the exception and don't exit end 

rescue 如何忽略SystemExit ? (它使用什么标准?)

当你在没有一个或多个课程的情况下写rescue , 它与写作相同 :

 begin ... rescue StandardError => e ... end 

但是,有些exception不会从StandardErrorinheritance。 SystemExit是其中之一,因此未捕获。 这是Ruby 1.9.2中层次结构的一个子集,您可以自己找到它 :

 BasicObject Exception NoMemoryError ScriptError LoadError Gem::LoadError NotImplementedError SyntaxError SecurityError SignalException Interrupt StandardError ArgumentError EncodingError Encoding::CompatibilityError Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError Encoding::UndefinedConversionError FiberError IOError EOFError IndexError KeyError StopIteration LocalJumpError NameError NoMethodError RangeError FloatDomainError RegexpError RuntimeError SystemCallError ThreadError TypeError ZeroDivisionError SystemExit SystemStackError fatal 


 begin ... rescue SystemExit => e ... end 


 begin ... rescue Exception => e ... end 


 begin exit 42 puts "No no no!" rescue Exception => e puts "Nice try, buddy." end puts "And on we run..." #=> "Nice try, buddy." #=> "And on we run..." 



 method :exit #=> # 


 method :exit #=> # 


 begin exit puts "never get here" rescue SystemExit puts "rescued a SystemExit exception" end puts "after begin block" 

退出status / success? ,等等也可以阅读:

 begin exit 1 rescue SystemExit => e puts "Success? #{e.success?}" # Success? false end begin exit rescue SystemExit => e puts "Success? #{e.success?}" # Success? true end 

完整的方法列表: [:status, :success?, :exception, :message, :backtrace, :backtrace_locations, :set_backtrace, :cause]