
为我的新演出选择Ruby会很有帮助,所以今天早上我写了以下内容。 它需要我玩过的国际象棋游戏的PGN文件,并通过第一步进行索引。 我很感激有关如何使其更具“惯用性”的任何建议。




games = [] file = File.new("jemptymethod.pgn", "r") is_header = false is_score = false Game = Struct::new(:header, :score) while (line = file.gets) if !line.chomp.empty? if !is_score && !is_header game = Game::new('','') end if /^\[/.match(line) is_header = true game.header << line else is_score = true game.score << line end else if is_score is_score = false is_header = false games << game end end end file.close puts "# Games: " + games.length.to_s moves_index = {} first_moves = {} games.each { |gm| #the following output should essentially be lossless #with the possible exception of beginning or ending newlines # #puts gm.header + "\n" #puts gm.score + "\n" score_tokens = gm.score.split(/\s+/); game_moves = [] score_tokens.each_index{|i| if i%3 != 0 move_token = score_tokens[i] if !moves_index.has_key?(move_token) moves_index[move_token] = moves_index.keys.length end game_moves << moves_index[move_token] end } first_move = moves_index.index(game_moves[0]) if !first_moves.has_key?(first_move) first_moves[first_move] = 1 else first_moves[first_move] = 1 + first_moves[first_move] end } # sorting hashes by value: http://nhw.pl/wp/2007/06/11/sorting-hash-by-values first_moves.sort{|a,b| -1*(a[1]b[1])}.each{|k,v| puts "1. #{k} occurred #{v} times" } 


 [Event "Enough With the Draws Already ;)"] [Site "http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=533406"] [Date "2009.2.1"] [Round "-"] [White "Troy"] [Black "jemptymethod"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "1300"] [BlackElo "2076"] [ECO "C36"] 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 Be7 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. Qe2 d5 6. exd5 Nxd5 7. OO Be6 8. d4 Nc6 9. Nc3 OO 10. Nxd5 Bxd5 11. Bxd5 Qxd5 12. Bxf4 Bd6 13. Qd2 Rae8 14. Bxd6 Qxd6 15. Rae1 h6 16. c3 Qd5 17. b3 Qa5 18. h3 a6 19. Rf2 Re7 20. Rxe7 Nxe7 21. Ne5 Nd5 22. c4 Qxd2 1/2-1/2 [Event "AUTO-MASTER-620"] [Site "http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=545265"] [Date "2009.2.23"] [Round "2"] [White "testouverture"] [Black "jemptymethod"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2240"] [BlackElo "2179"] [ECO "A52"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4 4. Nf3 Bc5 5. e3 Nc6 6. Be2 OO 7. OO Re8 8. b3 Ngxe5 9. Bb2 Nxf3+ 10. Bxf3 Ne5 11. Nc3 a5 12. Ne4 Bf8 13. Bh5 Ra6 14. f4 Ng6 15. Ng5 d5 16. Nxf7 Kxf7 17. f5 Kg8 18. fxg6 hxg6 19. Qd4 Qe7 20. Bf3 dxc4 21. Qxc4+ Be6 22. Qc3 c6 23. Be2 Raa8 24. Bd3 Bf5 25. Bxf5 gxf5 26. Rf3 Qc5 27. Re1 Qxc3 28. Bxc3 g6 29. g4 Bg7 30. Bxg7 fxg4 31. Rg3 Kxg7 32. Rxg4 Rad8 33. Kf2 1/2-1/2 [Event "AUTO-MASTER-620"] [Site "http://www.queenalice.com/game.php?id=545266"] [Date "2009.2.23"] [Round "2"] [White "jemptymethod"] [Black "testouverture"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "2079"] [BlackElo "2306"] [ECO "B22"] 1. e4 c5 2. c3 d5 3. exd5 Qxd5 4. d4 Nc6 5. dxc5 Qxd1+ 6. Kxd1 e5 7. Be3 Nf6 8. b4 a5 9. b5 Ne7 10. Nf3 Ng4 11. Bc4 Nf5 12. Ke2 Nfxe3 13. fxe3 Bxc5 14. h3 Nxe3 15. Nxe5 f6 0-1 

我还没有完成一个完整的重构,因为我希望保留足够的原始代码,使其不会太混乱。 主要的变化是引入了一个处理解析的Game类。 这个类的实现可以大大改进,但它可以在不改变代码的情况下工作。 还有一些小问题:

  • 而不是File.new ,使用File.open读取文件,并给它一个带有file参数的块。 该文件在块结束时自动关闭。

  • 使用a += 1而不是a = a + 1

我编写了一个简单的符号,并编写了一个解析器来处理网球比赛的详细比赛 。 您可能希望查看该代码以获取解析游戏移动的示例。 它实际上与你正在做的非常相似。 大部分代码都在/lib目录中。 解析逻辑在parser.rb ,游戏组件在其他文件中。 我鼓励你通过添加Move类以类似的方式打破你的国际象棋游戏。


 class Game attr_accessor :header, :score, :moves def initialize @header = "" @score = "" @moves = [] end def first_move moves_index.index(moves[0]) end def moves_index moves_index = {} score.split(/\s+/).each_with_index do |move,i| if i%3 != 0 unless moves_index.has_key?(move) moves_index[move] = moves_index.keys.length end moves << moves_index[move] end end moves_index end end games = [] is_header = false is_score = false File.open("jemptymethod.pgn") do |file| while (line = file.gets) if !line.chomp.empty? if !is_score && !is_header game = Game.new end if line[0,1] == '[' is_header = true game.header << line else is_score = true game.score << line end elsif is_score is_score = false is_header = false games << game end end end puts "# Games: " + games.length.to_s first_moves = {} #the following output should essentially be lossless #with the possible exception of beginning or ending newlines # #puts gm.header + "\n" #puts gm.score + "\n" games.each do |gm| if !first_moves.has_key?(gm.first_move) first_moves[gm.first_move] = 1 else first_moves[gm.first_move] += 1 end end # sorting hashes by value: http://nhw.pl/wp/2007/06/11/sorting-hash-by-values first_moves.sort{|a,b| -1*(a[1]<=>b[1])}.each{|k,v| puts "1. #{k} occurred #{v} times" } 

这是我如何做到这一点的快速解决方案。 这里可能有很多需要消化的内容,所以请随意提问,但阅读Ruby Array或Enumerable文档应该回答大部分关于我所做的事情,并且有很多关于ruby类的好教程。 这是一个很好的理解我在类中使用的访问器而不是结构。

 class Game attr_accessor :header, :moves def initialize self.header = [] end end games = [] game = Game.new File.open('jemptymethod.pgn').each_line do |line| next if line.chomp.empty? if game.moves games << game game = Game.new end if /^\[/.match(line) game.header << line else moves = line.split(/\d+\.\s*/) # splitting on the move numbers so that we don't have to iterate through to remove them moves.shift # getting rid of first empty move since the split on '1. ' created an array element before the '1. ' game.moves = moves end end games << game # add last game since the first part of the file loop doesn't execute again to do it puts "# Games: " + games.length.to_s first_moves = games.map {|game| game.moves[0]} # Could easily iterate over the size of the longest game to get other moves (eg second move, etc) first_moves_count = first_moves.inject(Hash.new(0)) {|h, move| h[move] += 1; h} # Read ruby documentation on inject to see how this works first_moves_count.each do |move, count| puts "1. #{move} occurred #{count} times" end