


我需要子类化HTML::WhiteListSanitizer以转义非白名单标签(通过更改process_node ),猴子补丁HTML::Node不要使用downcase标签的名称和猴子补丁HTML::Text来应用词:

  class Text2HTML def self.convert text text = simple_format text text = auto_link text, :all, :target => '_blank' text = NonHTMLEscaper.sanitize text text end # based on http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/87492 def self.wbr_split str, len = 10 fragment = /.{#{len}}/ str.split(/(\s+)/).map! { |word| (/\s/ === word) ? word : word.gsub(fragment, '\0') }.join end protected extend ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper extend ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper class NonHTMLEscaper < HTML::WhiteListSanitizer self.allowed_tags << 'wbr' def self.sanitize *args self.new.sanitize *args end protected # Copy, just to reference this Node definition def tokenize(text, options) options[:parent] = [] options[:attributes] ||= allowed_attributes options[:tags] ||= allowed_tags tokenizer = HTML::Tokenizer.new(text) result = [] while token = tokenizer.next node = Node.parse(nil, 0, 0, token, false) process_node node, result, options end result end # gsub <> instead of returning nil def process_node(node, result, options) result << case node when HTML::Tag if node.closing == :close options[:parent].shift else options[:parent].unshift node.name end process_attributes_for node, options options[:tags].include?(node.name) ? node : node.to_s.gsub(//, ">") else bad_tags.include?(options[:parent].first) ? nil : node.to_s end end class Text < HTML::Text def initialize(parent, line, pos, content) super parent, line, pos, content @content = Text2HTML.wbr_split content end end # remove tag/attributes downcases and reference this Text class Node < HTML::Node def self.parse parent, line, pos, content, strict=true if content !~ /^<\S/ Text.new(parent, line, pos, content) else scanner = StringScanner.new(content) unless scanner.skip(//) if strict raise "expected ]]> (got #{scanner.rest.inspect} for #{content})" else scanner.skip_until(/\Z/) end end return HTML::CDATA.new(parent, line, pos, scanner.pre_match.gsub(/\/]+/) unless closing scanner.skip(/\s*/) attributes = {} while attr = scanner.scan(/[-\w:]+/) value = true if scanner.scan(/\s*=\s*/) if delim = scanner.scan(/['"]/) value = "" while text = scanner.scan(/[^#{delim}\\]+|./) case text when "\\" then value << text value << scanner.getch when delim break else value << text end end else value = scanner.scan(/[^\s>\/]+/) end end attributes[attr] = value scanner.skip(/\s*/) end closing = ( scanner.scan(/\//) ? :self : nil ) end unless scanner.scan(/\s*>/) if strict raise "expected > (got #{scanner.rest.inspect} for #{content}, #{attributes.inspect})" else # throw away all text until we find what we're looking for scanner.skip_until(/>/) or scanner.terminate end end HTML::Tag.new(parent, line, pos, name, attributes, closing) end end end end end end