如何在RSpec中测试send_data? 或者……在这种情况下我应该测试什么?

使用RSpec测试以下代码的最佳方法是什么? 我应该测试什么? show动作打开一个文件并对其进行流式处理。 此外,如果操作依赖于某处存在的文件,我可以测试吗?

def show image_option = params[:image_option] respond_to do |format| format.js format.pdf {open_bmap_file("#{@bmap.bmap_pdf_file}", 'application/pdf', "#{@bmap.bmap_name}.pdf", "pdf", "pdf")} format.png {open_bmap_file("#{@bmap.bmap_png_file}", 'image/png', "#{@bmap.bmap_name}.png", "png", image_option)} end end private def open_bmap_file(filename, application_type, send_filename, format, image_option = nil) filename = "app/assets/images/image_not_available_small.png" unless File.exist? filename path = Bmap.bmaps_pngs_path case image_option when "image" filename = "#{@bmap.bmap_name}.png" when "large_thumbnail" filename = "#{@bmap.bmap_name}_large_thumb.png" when "thumbnail" filename = "#{@bmap.bmap_name}_thumb.png" when "pdf" filename = "#{@bmap.bmap_name}.pdf" path = Bmap.bmaps_pdfs_path else filename = "#{@bmap.bmap_name}.pdf" path = Bmap.bmaps_pdfs_path end begin File.open(path + filename, 'rb') do |f| send_data f.read, :disposition => image_option == "pdf" ? 'attachment' : 'inline', :type => application_type, :filename => send_filename end rescue flash[:error] = 'File not found.' redirect_to root_url end 

我需要在下载csv文件的控制器操作中测试send_data ,我是按照以下方式完成的。


 def index respond_to do |format| format.csv do send_data(Model.generate_csv, type: 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present', filename: "report.csv", disposition: 'attachment') end end end 

(rspec 2解决方案)controller_spec:

 context "when format is csv" do let(:csv_string) { Model.generate_csv } let(:csv_options) { {filename: "report.csv", disposition: 'attachment', type: 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present'} } it "should return a csv attachment" do @controller.should_receive(:send_data).with(csv_string, csv_options). and_return { @controller.render nothing: true } # to prevent a 'missing template' error get :index, format: :csv end end 

(rspec 3解决方案)controller_spec:

 context "when format is csv" do let(:csv_string) { Model.generate_csv } let(:csv_options) { {filename: "report.csv", disposition: 'attachment', type: 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present'} } it "should return a csv attachment" do expect(@controller).to receive(:send_data).with(csv_string, csv_options) { @controller.render nothing: true # to prevent a 'missing template' error } get :index, format: :csv end end 


 stub(controller).send_data { controller.render nothing: true }