
我通过Supply – 和Origin -models在超市产品品牌之间建立了多对多的关系。 我还想在我的超市里存储我所拥有的特定产品品牌组合。 我想到了另一个模型(我称之为Specific_Combination ,我将存储:supermarket_id:product_id:brand_id

 class Supermarket  :supplies end class Supply < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :product belongs_to :supermarket end class Product  :supplies has_many :origins has_many :brands, :through => :origins end class Origin < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :products belongs_to :brands end class Brand  :origins end 


 class Specific_Combination < ActiveRecord::Base # to show which columns I would use: attr_accessible :supermarket_id, :product_id, :brand_id end 
  • 这是一种合适的方法吗?
  • 我如何模拟与Specific_Combination之间的关系?
  • 我如何访问(创建…) Specific_Combination的项目?
  • 更好的方法(规范化)会如何?


 class Supply < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :origin belongs_to :supermarket end class Product < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :origins end class Origin < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :product belongs_to :brands end class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :origins end class Supermarket  :supplies # my attempt to create an array of names of supermarkets def self.to_be_chosen chosen_supermarket = Array.new Supermarket.find_each do |supermarket| chosen_supermarket << supermarket.name end return chosen_supermarket end end 



另外,想想你是否需要SpecificCombination。 你打算用它做什么操作? 您要列出数据库中的所有SpecificCombinations吗? 你打算去寻找一个特定的吗? 你打算创造一个新的组合吗?


 class Supermarket < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :supplies has_many :origins, :through => :supplies def self.choice Supermarket.all.map { |supermarket| [ supermarket.name, supermarket.id ] } end end end class Supply < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :origin belongs_to :supermarket end class Origin < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :supplies belongs_to :brands end walmart = Supermarket.create(:name => "Walmart"); cornflakes = Product.create(:name => "Corn Flakes"); kellogs = Brand.create(:name => "Kellog's"); walmart.origins.create(:product_id => cornflakes, :brand_id = kellogs)