
我正在使用Jruby和rails 2.2.2。 我的问题是我的迁移未正确写入数据库模式。


class CreateNotes  'ENGINE=MyISAM') do |t| t.string :title t.text :body t.timestamps end execute "alter table notes ADD FULLTEXT(title, body)" end 


 create_table "notes", :force => true do |t| t.string "title" t.text "body" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" end add_index "notes", ["title", "body"], :name => "title" 


  • 如何将'ENGINE=MyISAM'纳入架构?
  • 为什么我的执行语句变成add_index "notes", ["title", "body"], :name => "title" ? 以及如何强制迁移将其作为执行语句保留?

感谢Christian Lescuyer的回答。 但是,当我尝试这个没有改变。 我取消注释了config.active_record …行,但我的架构没有改变。 我在jruby和ruby 1.8.6上使用rails 2.2.2和edge rails尝试了这个,并且模式没有变化。 谁能告诉我我做错了什么?

当我使用外键约束时,我使用SQL格式进行迁移。 在environment.rb中

 # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database. # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper, # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types config.active_record.schema_format = :sql 

一旦我设置,我也期望看到一个新的.sql文件出现在“rake db:migrate”之后

 config.active_record.schema_format = :sql 

在config / environment.rb中。

然而,显然这不是它的工作方式。 我必须明确地这样做以获取db / [development | test | production] _structure.sql文件:

 rake db:structure:dump 

只是对Rails 3(目前为beta 4)的更新–Christian的解决方案仍然是正确的,只有正确放置行的位置在config/application.rb ,在Application类的范围内,应该在以Rails项目命名的模块。


config.active_record.schema_format =:sql


但是你必须使用不同的模式转储格式和文件位置。 尝试进行迁移并寻找“schema.sql”而不是scehema.rb

所有这一切的原因是方案文件的重点是数据库非特定(适用于所有类型的数据库)文件。 因此,当您使用仅通过unsupoorted execute语句在mysql上工作的function时,它们不能被套入schema.rb


rake db:test:clone_structure

我们的架构使用UUID(uuid gem)和Red Hill on Rails(RHoR)不错的FK插件。 不幸的是,FK需要只能在迁移中使用EXECUTES添加的PK。

众所周知,这些执行不会使它成为schema.rb; 但是,更难找到db的替代方案:test:为不能使用schema.rb的应用程序做准备。

以下monkeypatch解决了模式转储器(Rails 3.2)的FULLTEXT索引问题和数据库引擎选项。 你可以把它放在config/initializers/ (例如schema_dumper_monkeypatch.rb ):

 module ActiveRecord class SchemaDumper def table(table, stream) columns = @connection.columns(table) begin tbl = StringIO.new # first dump primary key column if @connection.respond_to?(:pk_and_sequence_for) pk, _ = @connection.pk_and_sequence_for(table) elsif @connection.respond_to?(:primary_key) pk = @connection.primary_key(table) end tbl.print " create_table #{remove_prefix_and_suffix(table).inspect}" if columns.detect { |c| c.name == pk } if pk != 'id' tbl.print %Q(, :primary_key => "#{pk}") end else tbl.print ", :id => false" end tbl.print ", :force => true" # Add table engine res = @connection.execute "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '#{table}'" engine = res.first[res.fields.index("Engine")] rescue nil tbl.print ", :options => 'ENGINE=#{engine}'" if engine res = nil # Free the result tbl.puts " do |t|" # then dump all non-primary key columns column_specs = columns.map do |column| raise StandardError, "Unknown type '#{column.sql_type}' for column '#{column.name}'" if @types[column.type].nil? next if column.name == pk spec = {} spec[:name] = column.name.inspect # AR has an optimization which handles zero-scale decimals as integers. This # code ensures that the dumper still dumps the column as a decimal. spec[:type] = if column.type == :integer && [/^numeric/, /^decimal/].any? { |e| e.match(column.sql_type) } 'decimal' else column.type.to_s end spec[:limit] = column.limit.inspect if column.limit != @types[column.type][:limit] && spec[:type] != 'decimal' spec[:precision] = column.precision.inspect if column.precision spec[:scale] = column.scale.inspect if column.scale spec[:null] = 'false' unless column.null spec[:default] = default_string(column.default) if column.has_default? (spec.keys - [:name, :type]).each{ |k| spec[k].insert(0, "#{k.inspect} => ")} spec end.compact # find all migration keys used in this table keys = [:name, :limit, :precision, :scale, :default, :null] & column_specs.map{ |k| k.keys }.flatten # figure out the lengths for each column based on above keys lengths = keys.map{ |key| column_specs.map{ |spec| spec[key] ? spec[key].length + 2 : 0 }.max } # the string we're going to sprintf our values against, with standardized column widths format_string = lengths.map{ |len| "%-#{len}s" } # find the max length for the 'type' column, which is special type_length = column_specs.map{ |column| column[:type].length }.max # add column type definition to our format string format_string.unshift " t.%-#{type_length}s " format_string *= '' column_specs.each do |colspec| values = keys.zip(lengths).map{ |key, len| colspec.key?(key) ? colspec[key] + ", " : " " * len } values.unshift colspec[:type] tbl.print((format_string % values).gsub(/,\s*$/, '')) tbl.puts end tbl.puts " end" tbl.puts indexes(table, tbl) tbl.rewind stream.print tbl.read rescue => e stream.puts "# Could not dump table #{table.inspect} because of following #{e.class}" stream.puts "# #{e.message}" stream.puts end stream end def indexes(table, stream) if (indexes = @connection.indexes(table)).any? add_index_statements = indexes.map do |index| if index.name =~ /fulltext/i " execute \"CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX #{index.name} ON #{index.table} (#{index.columns.join(',')})\"" elsif index.name =~ /spatial/i " execute \"CREATE SPATIAL INDEX #{index.name} ON #{index.table} (#{index.columns.join(',')})\"" else statement_parts = [ ('add_index ' + remove_prefix_and_suffix(index.table).inspect), index.columns.inspect, (':name => ' + index.name.inspect), ] statement_parts << ':unique => true' if index.unique index_lengths = (index.lengths || []).compact statement_parts << (':length => ' + Hash[index.columns.zip(index.lengths)].inspect) unless index_lengths.empty? index_orders = (index.orders || {}) statement_parts << (':order => ' + index.orders.inspect) unless index_orders.empty? ' ' + statement_parts.join(', ') end end stream.puts add_index_statements.sort.join("\n") stream.puts end end end end