
我正在使用rubyzip和nokogiri的组合来编辑.docx文件。 我正在使用rubyzip来解压缩.docx文件,然后使用nokogiri来解析和更改word / document.xml文件的主体但是有时候我最后关闭rubyzip它会破坏文件而我无法打开它或者修理它。 我在桌面上解压缩.docx文件并检查word / document.xml文件,并将内容更新为我更改为的内容,但所有其他文件都搞砸了。 有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗? 这是我的代码:

require 'rubygems' require 'zip/zip' require 'nokogiri' zip = Zip::ZipFile.open("test.docx") doc = zip.find_entry("word/document.xml") xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(doc.get_input_stream) wt = xml.root.xpath("//w:t", {"w" => "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"}).first wt.content = "New Text" zip.get_output_stream("word/document.xml") {|f| f << xml.to_s} zip.close 

昨晚我遇到了与rubyzip相同的腐败问题。 我通过将所有内容复制到新的zip文件来解决它,根据需要替换文件。


 #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'zip/zip' # rubyzip gem require 'nokogiri' class WordXmlFile def self.open(path, &block) self.new(path, &block) end def initialize(path, &block) @replace = {} if block_given? @zip = Zip::ZipFile.open(path) yield(self) @zip.close else @zip = Zip::ZipFile.open(path) end end def merge(rec) xml = @zip.read("word/document.xml") doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) {|x| x.noent} (doc/"//w:fldSimple").each do |field| if field.attributes['instr'].value =~ /MERGEFIELD (\S+)/ text_node = (field/".//w:t").first if text_node text_node.inner_html = rec[$1].to_s else puts "No text node for #{$1}" end end end @replace["word/document.xml"] = doc.serialize :save_with => 0 end def save(path) Zip::ZipFile.open(path, Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) do |out| @zip.each do |entry| out.get_output_stream(entry.name) do |o| if @replace[entry.name] o.write(@replace[entry.name]) else o.write(@zip.read(entry.name)) end end end end @zip.close end end if __FILE__ == $0 file = ARGV[0] out_file = ARGV[1] || file.sub(/\.docx/, ' Merged.docx') w = WordXmlFile.open(file) w.force_settings w.merge('First_Name' => 'Eric', 'Last_Name' => 'Mason') w.save(out_file) end 


您似乎错误地重新输入了新内容。 我不知道rubyzip,但你需要一种方法告诉它更新条目word / document.xml,然后重新保存/重新压缩文件。





 Using z As ZipFile = ZipFile.Read(xlStream.BaseStream) 'Grab Sheet 1 out of the file parts and read it into a string. Dim myEntry As ZipEntry = z("xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml") Dim msSheet1 As New MemoryStream myEntry.Extract(msSheet1) msSheet1.Position = 0 Dim sr As New StreamReader(msSheet1) Dim strXMLData As String = sr.ReadToEnd 'Grab the data in the empty sheet and swap out the data that I want Dim str2 As XElement = CreateSheetData(tbl) Dim strReplace As String = strXMLData.Replace("", str2.ToString) z.UpdateEntry("xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml", strReplace) 'This just rezips the file with the new data it doesnt save to disk z.Save(fiRet.FullName) End Using 

根据官方Github文档 ,您应该Use write_buffer instead open 。 链接上还有一个代码示例。