


has_attached_file :asset, :styles => { :medium => "800x600>", :thumb => "100x100>" } 

所以,当我上传一个3页的pdf文件时,我希望这会每页创建2个大拇指(一个在800×600,一个小图像在100×100)。 相反,我得到了3个文件夹(拇指,中等,原始) – 原始文件夹包含origianl pdf文件,而拇指和媒体各包含一个pdf,只有pdf的第一页所有像素化。

我需要做些什么才能让回形针为pdf的每一页创建2个拇指? 理想情况下,我想像这样每页一个图像(创建6个图像):

资产/ 1 /中/文件0.png

资产/ 1 /中/文件1.png

资产/ 1 /中/文件2.png

资产/ 1 /拇指/文件0.png

资产/ 1 /拇指/文件1.png

资产/ 1 /拇指/文件2.png

有谁知道如何做到这一点? 我需要定制处理器吗? 如果是这样,处理器会是什么样子?




 class Document < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :pages, :dependent => :destroy has_attached_file :asset after_asset_post_process :make_pages private def make_pages if valid? Paperclip.run('convert', "-quality #{Page::QUALITY} -density #{Page::DENSITY} #{asset.queued_for_write[:original].path} #{asset.queued_for_write[:original].path}%d.png") images = Dir.glob("#{asset.queued_for_write[:original].path}*.png").sort_by do |line| line.match(/(\d+)\.png$/)[1].to_i end images.each do |page_image| pages.build(:asset => File.open(page_image)) end FileUtils.rm images end end end 


 class Page < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :document has_attached_file :asset QUALITY = 100 DENSITY = '80x80' end 

我有一个半工作的解决方案…但它不是很优雅。 我真的想提出更好的东西,但无论如何我想我会分享。

我首先定义了一堆新的样式,每个页面一个…我希望能够处理多少页面。 (愚蠢,我知道,但我不知道如何访问Paperclip中的路径插值,以便每个页面都在存储中正确保存/删除,除非每个图像都有一个独特的样式)

 { ... :page_0 => {:geometry=>'800[0]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, :page_1 => {:geometry=>'800[1]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, :page_2 => {:geometry=>'800[2]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, :page_3 => {:geometry=>'800[3]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, :page_4 => {:geometry=>'800[4]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, :page_5 => {:geometry=>'800[5]', :format=>:png, :processors=>[:multipage_thumbnail]}, } 


 module Paperclip # Handles thumbnailing images that are uploaded. class MultipageThumbnail < Thumbnail # Creates a Thumbnail object set to work on the +file+ given. It # will attempt to transform the image into one defined by +target_geometry+ # which is a "WxH"-style string. +format+ will be inferred from the +file+ # unless specified. Thumbnail creation will raise no errors unless # +whiny+ is true (which it is, by default. If +convert_options+ is # set, the options will be appended to the convert command upon image conversion def initialize file, options = {}, attachment = nil @page = options[:geometry].match(/\[(\d+)\]/)[1] rescue 0 @page ||= 0 options[:geometry] = options[:geometry].sub(/\[\d+\]/, '') super end # Performs the conversion of the +file+ into a thumbnail. Returns the Tempfile # that contains the new image. def make return nil if @page >= page_count src = @file dst = Tempfile.new([@basename, @format].compact.join(".")) dst.binmode begin options = [ source_file_options, "#{ File.expand_path(src.path) }[#{@page}]", transformation_command, convert_options, "#{ File.expand_path(dst.path) }" ].flatten.compact success = Paperclip.run("convert", *options) rescue PaperclipCommandLineError => e raise PaperclipError, "There was an error processing the thumbnail for #{@basename}" if @whiny end dst end def page_count @page_count ||= begin files = Paperclip.run("identify", "#{@file.path}") files.split(/\n/).size rescue PaperclipCommandLineError 1 end end end end