
我刚开始学习rails。 你能帮我理解解析一个链接吗? 好的教程也会有所帮助……


当您在Digg,Facebook等中提交链接时。在您说附加链接后,它会解析链接以获取特定url的标题,内容和图像。 你能帮我解决一下类似的东西如何在rails中实现吗?



看起来你可能正在寻找像Pismo这样的东西: https : //github.com/peterc/pismo

require 'pismo' # Load a Web page (you could pass an IO object or a string with existing HTML data along, as you prefer) doc = Pismo::Document.new('http://www.rubyinside.com/cramp-asychronous-event-driven-ruby-web-app-framework-2928.html') doc.title # => "Cramp: Asychronous Event-Driven Ruby Web App Framework" doc.author # => "Peter Cooper" doc.lede # => "Cramp (GitHub repo) is a new, asynchronous evented Web app framework by Pratik Naik of 37signals (and the Rails core team). It's built around Ruby's EventMachine library and was designed to use event-driven I/O throughout - making it ideal for situations where you need to handle a large number of open connections (such as Comet systems or streaming APIs.)" doc.keywords # => [["cramp", 7], ["controllers", 3], ["app", 3], ["basic", 2], ..., ... ] 



ootoovak的答案是正确的,但我更喜欢使用mechanize它的替代方案。 使用mechanize这对你有用:

 agent=Mechanize.new # Creates a new Mechanize Object agent.get("http://domain.de/page.html") # This fetches the page given as parameter agent.page.title # This will return the title of the page 

要安装mechanize,只需在您的Gemfile添加Gemfile gem 'mechanize'并运行bundle install

 > Mechanize.new.get('http://google.com').title => "Google" 

确保你require 'mechanize'或在你的Gemfile中添加gem’mechanize gem 'mechanize'