
我正在开发一个由EmberJS前端组成的应用程序,它通过REST与Rails服务器通信。 在我的应用程序中通过向导来创建一个作业,所以我想测试是否创建了该作业,这是我的测试。

feature 'Processing step three', :js => true do background do to_step_2 to_step_3 end scenario 'Creating job', js: true do within '#login' do fill_in 'Email', with: fill_in 'Password', with: @customer.password click_button 'Login' end expect { click_link 'Create job' }.to change(Job, :count).by(1) end end 

因此,当用户填写所有内容时,最后他们点击创建作业,就像我的测试所描述的那样。 当我手动操作时,这工作正常,但当我运行我的规格时,我得到。

 1) Creating a new job Processing step three Creating job Failure/Error: expect { click_link 'Create job' }.to change(Job, :count).by(1) count should have been changed by 1, but was changed by 0 # ./spec/features/creating_a_new_job_spec.rb:103:in `block (3 levels) in ' 


 Completed 200 OK in 36ms (Views: 6.0ms | ActiveRecord: 11.2ms) Started POST "/api/jobs" for at 2013-12-08 14:15:00 +0100 Processing by Api::JobsController#create as JSON Parameters: {"job"=>{"description"=>"This is a test description of the service i would like to receive.", "zip"=>"2400", "available_from"=>"24 - 12 - 2013", "available_next"=>false, "customer_id"=>"1", "service_id"=>"1", "service_field_id"=>"1"}} Unpermitted parameters: zip (11.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "jobs" (1.2ms) BEGIN SQL (2.5ms) INSERT INTO "jobs" ("available_from", "available_next", "created_at", "customer_id", "description", "service_field_id", "service_id", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) RETURNING "id" [["available_from", Tue, 24 Dec 2013 00:00:00 UTC +00:00], ["available_next", false], ["created_at", Sun, 08 Dec 2013 13:15:00 UTC +00:00], ["customer_id", 1], ["description", "This is a test description of the service i would like to receive."], ["service_field_id", 1], ["service_id", 0], ["updated_at", Sun, 08 Dec 2013 13:15:00 UTC +00:00]] (0.5ms) COMMIT 


正如你所说,主要问题是Capybara没有等待。 但主要原因是测试不使用一致的风格。




  1. 首先删除within块。 这似乎并不重要。 如果我记得正确的话,期望最好不要在不同的行动块中。 所以这样做是为了安全。

  2. 添加UI期望。 然后Capybara将等到效果出现。


 scenario 'Creating job', js: true do fill_in 'Email', with: fill_in 'Password', with: @customer.password click_button 'Login' # Assume your page will show user name after signing in expect(page).to have_content( end 
