Rspec validates_uniqueness_of测试失败并出现其他validation错误


如下面的test trace所示,唯一性validation消息存在于errors数组中,但是,还存在2个,有时还存在3个其他错误; "body can't be blank (nil)", "body is too short (minimum is 10 characters) (nil)", "user_id can't be blank (nil)" 。 我不确定它们来自哪里,因为body和user属性是在before块中明确设置的。



  validates_uniqueness_of :correct, scope: :question_id, if: :correct?, message: "You can only have 1 correct answer per question" validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, scope: :question_id, message: "Only 1 answer per question per user" /* omitted for brevity */ 


 require "spec_helper" describe Answer do before(:each) do @user1 = create(:user) @answer = create(:answer, correct: true, user_id:, body: "some text which is over 10 chars long") end subject { @answer } it { should respond_to(:user_id) } it { should respond_to(:question_id) } it { should respond_to(:body) } it { should respond_to(:correct)} it { should respond_to(:votes_count)} it { should respond_to(:points)} it { should belong_to(:question)} it { should belong_to(:user)} it { should have_many(:activities)} it { should have_many(:comments)} it { should have_many(:votes)} it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:correct).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("correct You can only have 1 correct answer per question (true)") } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:user_id).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("user_id Only 1 answer per question per user (1)") } /* omitted for brevity */ 


  1) Answer Failure/Error: it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:correct).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("correct You can only have 1 correct answer per question (true)") } Expected errors to include "correct You can only have 1 correct answer per question (true)" when correct is set to true, got errors: ["body can't be blank (nil)", "body is too short (minimum is 10 characters) (nil)", "user_id can't be blank (nil)", "correct You can only have 1 correct answer per question (true)"] # ./spec/models/answer_spec.rb:20:in `block (2 levels) in ' 2) Answer Failure/Error: it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:user_id).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("user_id Only 1 answer per question per user (1)") } Expected errors to include "user_id Only 1 answer per question per user (1)" when user_id is set to 1, got errors: ["body can't be blank (nil)", "body is too short (minimum is 10 characters) (nil)", "user_id Only 1 answer per question per user (1)"] # ./spec/models/answer_spec.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in ' Finished in 1.31 seconds 17 examples, 2 failures 


 factory :answer do user question_id :question body "you need to change your grip" votes_count 0 correct false end 

它失败了,因为你没有测试@answer。 你没有在这些测试中定义你的主题。 所以它使用的是rspec的subject ,默认情况下会转到你所描述的任何类的新实例,即。 。新。 您需要将主题明确设置为@answer或显式测试@answer。

 describe Answer do it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:correct).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("correct You can only have 1 correct answer per question (true)") } it { should validate_uniqueness_of(:user_id).scoped_to(:question_id).with_message("user_id Only 1 answer per question per user (1)") } end