
问题:我试图在服务器重启后再次运行sphinx。 当我尝试启动它时似乎没有sphinx.conf文件:

>searchd Sphinx 2.0.4-release (r3135) Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com) FATAL: no readable config file (looked in /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf, ./sphinx.conf). 


 rake thinking_sphinx:configure rake thinking_sphinx:index rake thinking_sphinx:start 

问题是由于某种原因没有创建etc / sphinxsearch / sphinx.conf文件…我是Thinking_sphinx的新手,这可能不是唯一的问题(与网站有关),但似乎没有设置充分。 有关输出和更多信息,请阅读以下内容:

背景信息:我正在开展一个我最初没有设置的项目。 我们重新启动服务器以查看我们在常量文件中所做的一些更改。 但重启后,当您导航到该站点时,项目不再显示。 当你输入直接的IP地址时,它只是说“欢迎来到Nginx”。

端口是打开的并通过我们的托管服务器工作,所以我被告知我必须重新启动一些服务。 我遇到的一个问题是think_sphinx。 这是我引用的sphinx网站的rake任务 。 以及狮身人面像的常见配置问题 。

我设置了sphinx.yml开发路径(我们没有使用生产)。 然后我跑了

 >rake thinking_sphinx:index 


 Generating Configuration to /home/potato/streetpotato/config/development.sphinx.conf (0.2ms) SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode; Sphinx 2.0.4-release (r3135) Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com) using config file '/home/potato/streetpotato/config/development.sphinx.conf'... indexing index 'bar_core'... WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 14080 kb collected 249 docs, 0.0 MB sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done total 249 docs, 32394 bytes total 0.254 sec, 127298 bytes/sec, 978.49 docs/sec indexing index 'bar_delta'... WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 14080 kb collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.003 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec skipping non-plain index 'bar'... indexing index 'synonym_core'... WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb collected 3 docs, 0.0 MB sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done total 3 docs, 103 bytes total 0.003 sec, 30356 bytes/sec, 884.17 docs/sec indexing index 'synonym_delta'... WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb collected 0 docs, 0.0 MB total 0 docs, 0 bytes total 0.002 sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0.00 docs/sec skipping non-plain index 'synonym'... indexing index 'user_core'... WARNING: collect_hits: mem_limit=0 kb too low, increasing to 13568 kb collected 100 docs, 0.0 MB sorted 0.0 Mhits, 100.0% done total 100 docs, 3146 bytes total 0.013 sec, 239348 bytes/sec, 7608.03 docs/sec skipping non-plain index 'user'... total 11 reads, 0.000 sec, 3.8 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg total 37 writes, 0.000 sec, 2.5 kb/call avg, 0.0 msec/call avg 


 >rake thinking_sphinx:configure Generating Configuration to /home/potato/streetpotato/config/development.sphinx.conf (0.2ms) SELECT @@global.sql_mode, @@session.sql_mode; 


 >rake thinking_sphinx:start Started successfully (pid 29623). 


 [Fri Nov 16 19:34:29.820 2012] [29623] accepting connections 


 >searchd --stop Sphinx 2.0.4-release (r3135) Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Andrew Aksyonoff Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com) FATAL: no readable config file (looked in /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf, ./sphinx.conf). 

我很茫然,我知道这是超长的,但这只是因为我迷失了,并试图提供尽可能多的信息。 我得到了更多,然后我昨天做了这个,但它似乎仍然没有完全工作。 我可能还需要做更多设置与独角兽或薄。 我只想弄清楚如何让网站重新启动并再次运行…如果任何人遇到类似的问题,他们的网站在重新启动后关闭并重新启动(特别是Nginx和独角兽的铁路项目或使用sphinx瘦身)任何见解将不胜感激。



冷静!! 🙂

首先,您不需要/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf文件; 这只是searchd在您未指定任何配置文件时尝试使用的默认文件。


运行ps -fe | grep searchd ps -fe | grep searchd你的开发机器; 你应该看到这样的东西作为输出:

 501 14128 1 0 0:00.00 ttys004 0:00.00 searchd --pidfile --config /home/potato/streetpotato/config/development.sphinx.conf 501 14130 13546 0 0:00.00 ttys004 0:00.01 grep searchd 

因此rails应用程序使用--config /home/potato/streetpotato/config/development.sphinx.conf参数调用searchd ,以指定不同的conf文件。

从您的日志中可以清楚地看到thinkingsphinx正常运行。 您可以通过登录rails console并在其中一个定义了thinking_sphinx索引的模型上运行search方法来进一步确认。

例如:如果您的应用程序具有上述链接中显示的Article模型,则以下命令将显示其中包含National Parks所有文章:

 $ rails console > Article.search( "National Parks" ) => [#
, #

真正的问题是重启服务器后应用程序没有显示。 这与thinking sphinx正在运行良好的thinking sphinx无关。

尝试回滚上面提到的常量文件中所做的所有更改,并确保应用程序正常工作。 然后开始逐个进行更改并隔离一个破坏应用程序的更改。

所以是的,这是ThinkingSphinx(恕我直言)中的一个漏洞 – 您可以使用各种rake任务(根据需要生成配置)启动sphinxd服务器……但这在生产中不起作用。

在我去年工作的项目(在Linux服务器上运行)上,我们创建了一个/etc/init.d脚本来启动sphinxd – 它包含选项,包括配置文件的路径。 我们使用capistrano进行了部署,并将生成的代码放在app/shared – 源树之外的目录。 我相信有一些预定义的capistrano任务会在模型更改时重建特定于Rails的配置文件,否则会影响Sphinx的function(与您提到的rake任务相同)。

对于我们来说,这是我们长时间推迟网站搜索的案例之一,我们的一位开发人员在下午“全部设置”了。 部署它需要花费更多的工作。

(刚看到来自@ prakash-murthy的回答 – 他提供了一些有关如何在初始化sphinxd时指定配置路径的详细信息)。 但诀窍是让它在系统启动时启动并指向ThinkingSphinx生成的配置。)

好吧,等了一天后,我终于把它全部搞定了并让它运行起来(它更像是狮身人面像)。 我还必须在后台启动并运行nginx和unicorn,因为我们没有设置脚本以在服务器重新启动时重新启动它们…



 a)create/modify app/config/sphinx.yml development: morphology: stem_en port: 9312 bin_path: "/usr/bin" # set up the path to binary for searchd searchd_binary_name: searchd indexer_binary_name: indexer #mem_limit: 128M test: morphology: stem_en port: 9312 mem_limit: 128M production: morphology: stem_en port: 9312 mem_limit: 512M # the searchd ip, in case it's not on localhost # address: # this is by default included in db/sphinx # searchd_file_path: "/path/to/shared/folder/sphinx" b)rake thinking_sphinx:index c)rake thinking_sphinx:configure # creates config/development.sphinx.conf which helps define sphinx's indexing d)# then you have to start sphinx, there are 2 ways to do this rake thinking_sphinx:start rake thinking_sphinx:stop OR searchd searchd --stop # only the rake commands worked for me, when I tried to run searchd # I got an error FATAL: no readable config file (looked in /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf, ./sphinx.conf). # for some reason we dont have a sphinx.conf file, but the rake commands work without it e)# once you start thinking_sphinx check log/searchd.log file for the line [Fri Nov 16 19:34:29.820 2012] [29623] accepting connections 


 a) check that nginx is up and running i) start server # to check where nginx resides type in this into server console which nginx # whatever path it gives you is how you start the server this is my path /usr/sbin/nginx ii) stop server /usr/sbin/nginx -s stop # use the path given by which command 


 a) test if unicorn will run after previous changes unicorn_rails -p 3000 # the site should now be up and running, check that it is # console should now log the different actions you do on the site b) create unicorn.rb in config folder (if none is there) # only start this step if the step above got the site running # close the console or exit the process you started above # contents of unicorn.rb worker_processes 2 #(starts 2 child processes, not completely neccissary) preload_app true timeout 30 listen 3000 after_fork do |server, worker| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection end c) run unicorn in the background # make sure you exited the process above before running this unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -D # this was giving me an error that it said was logged by stderr # I got the command to run by adding a command to the front http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2325152/check-for-stdout-or-stderr exec 2> /dev/null unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -D d) (optional) check stats from starting unicorn i) pgrep -lf unicorn_rails #sample output 5374 unicorn_rails master -c config/unicorn.rb -D 5388 unicorn_rails worker[0] -c config/unicorn.rb -D # not needed currently 5391 unicorn_rails worker[1] -c config/unicorn.rb -D # not needed currently ii) cat tmp/pids/unicorn.pid # from inside the streetpotato folder #sample output 5374