如果选中复选框,则更改单元格值 – RoR中的dhtmlxGrid

我在RoR上使用dhtmlxGrid。 我有一个复选框和一个“onCheck”事件,每次选中复选框时都会激活该事件。

 var grid = new dhtmlXGridObject("grid_here"); grid.setImagePath("/images/dhtmlx/imgs/"); grid.setHeader("Result, PatientID, Approved, Status, Approved Date"); grid.attachHeader("#text_filter,#text_filter,#text_filter,#text_filter,#text_filter"); grid.setColTypes("txt,ed,ch,co,ed"); grid.setColSorting("str,str,str,str,date"); grid.setInitWidths("100,100,*"); grid.setSkin("dhx_skyblue"); grid.init(); grid.load("/approves/data"); grid.attachEvent("onCheck",doOnCheckBoxSelected); dp = new dataProcessor("/approves/dbaction.xml"); dp.init(grid); function doOnCheckBoxSelected(rID, cInd, state) { if (state=='1') {alert("date approved");} }  

当我选中任何复选框时,“警报”世界正常。 我现在想要做的是,当选中复选框时,自动更改单元格“状态”和“批准日期”中的值。 该复选框名为“已批准”,当人们点击“已批准”复选框时,我希望使用当前日期自动更新名为“已批准日期”的单元格,并将“状态”更改为“已批准”。



 function doOnCheckBoxSelected(rID, cInd, state){ if (state=='1'){ alert("date approved"); } var currentDate = new Date(); //This is just an example, here you can generate the Date in the format you wish. /*Here goes the column index in which the date or status are... In this case I'm assuming in the column 3 is the Status and in 4 the Date of approval, change them to your real indexes*/ grid.cells(rID,3).setValue('Approved'); grid.cells(rID,4).setValue(currentDate); dp.setUpdated(rID,true); //You tell your dataProcessor that the row was updated, so it mark the row as updated return true; //if i recall correctly this is needed for the function to end correctly, maybe not } 
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