
我有一个难题。 我在我的Account类上编写了一个范围,它找到了一堆符合冗长条件的帐户对象。 这是我的范围:

  scope :unverified_with_no_associations, -> { find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(accounts.id, accounts.email)) FROM accounts WHERE level = 0 AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM verifications) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM positions) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM edits) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM posts) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM reviews) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(sender_id) FROM kudos) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM stacks WHERE account_id IS NOT NULL)") } 



 SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(accounts.id, accounts.email)) FROM accounts WHERE level = 0 AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM verifications) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM positions) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM edits) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM posts) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM reviews) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(sender_id) FROM kudos) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM stacks WHERE account_id IS NOT NULL); 

我收到了号码221214 。 为什么我会得到不同的结果? 我已经排除了连接到不同数据库的可能性。 我检查了我的.env文件并确认我和我的应用程序在同一个数据库中。 有谁知道为什么我会在查询中获得这样的差异?

———— ——–更新

我发现find_by_sql不喜欢在其参数中包含COUNT 。 当我从sql中删除COUNT()并稍后执行.count方法时,我检索匹配的数字。


我真正需要的是distinct accounts.idaccounts.email但这些方法不会返回相同的输出。


 row --------- (1234,me@gmail.com) 




—-更新#3 ——

另外在我的sql输出中,我得到了这个unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'row'. It will be treated as String. unknown OID 2249: failed to recognize type of 'row'. It will be treated as String. 这是什么意思?


如果你只使用count in count ,你总是得到一个数字作为查询的结果。 所以你的数据库结果是可以预料的。

在rails情况下,您尝试按scope获取一些记录,并在select语句中使用count 。 如果您在查询中有count ,则可以预期空集。



 def self.unverified_with_no_associations() self.count_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(accounts.id, accounts.email)) FROM accounts WHERE level = 0 AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM verifications) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM positions) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM edits) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM posts) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM reviews) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(sender_id) FROM kudos) AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT(account_id) FROM stacks WHERE account_id IS NOT NULL)") end