
我想输入一个字符串并返回一个可用于描述字符串结构的正则表达式。 正则表达式将用于查找与第一个相同结构的更多字符串。



琐碎的答案,可能不是你想要的,是:返回输入字符串(带有正则表达式特殊字符转义)。 这始终是匹配字符串的正则表达式。

如果您希望识别某些结构,则必须提供有关您希望识别的结构类型的更多信息。 没有这些信息,问题就会以模棱两可的方式陈述,并且有许多可能的解决方案。 例如,输入字符串’aba’可以描述为


‘ABA *’


‘AB \ W’


‘()。B \ 1’


对不起这个长度。 我把这个作为一个小挑战的前提,并在Ruby中提出了一个概念certificate。


我将代码基于遗传算法的简单实现。 请参阅底部的注释,了解我对此方法成功与否的看法。

 LOOP_COUNT = 100 class Attempt # let's try email HITS = %w[j@j.com j@j.co.uk gates@microsoft.com sales@microsoft.com sjobs@apple.com sales@apple.com frddy@aol.com thing1@charity.org sales@mybad.org.uk thing.one@drseuss.com] MISSES = %w[j@jj@j@.com j.com @domain.com nochance eric@google. eric@google.com. username-at-domain-dot-com linux.org eff.org microsoft.com sjobs.apple.com www.apple.com] # odd mixture of numbers and letters, designed to confuse # HITS = %w[a123 a999 a600 a545 a100 b001 b847 a928 c203] # MISSES = %w[abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx xyz h234 k987] # consonants versus vowels # HITS = %w[bcd cdb fgh ghf jkl klj mnp npm qrs srq tvw vwt xzb bzx] # MISSES = %w[aei oyu oio euu uio ioe aee ooo] # letters < 11 chars and no numbers # HITS = %w[aaa aaaa abaa azaz monkey longstring stringlong] # MISSES = %w[aa aa1 aa0 b9b 6zz longstringz m_m ff5 666 anotherlongstring] MAX_SUCCESSES = HITS.size + MISSES.size # Setup the various Regular Expression operators, etc.. RELEMENTS = %w[. ? * + ( ) \[ \] - | ^ $ \\ : @ / { }] %w[A b B d DS s W wz Z].each do |chr| RELEMENTS << "\\#{chr}" end %w[alnum alpha blank cntrl digit lower print punct space upper xdigit].each do |special| RELEMENTS << "[:#{special}:]" end ('a'..'z').each do |chr| RELEMENTS << chr end ('A'..'Z').each do |chr| RELEMENTS << chr end (0..9).each do |chr| RELEMENTS << chr.to_s end START_SIZE = 8 attr_accessor :operators, :successes def initialize(ary = []) @operators = ary if ary.length < 1 START_SIZE.times do @operators << random_op end end @score = 0 @decay = 1 make_regexp end def make_regexp begin @regexp = Regexp.new( @operators.join("") ) rescue # "INVALID Regexp" @regexp = nil @score = -1000 end end def random_op RELEMENTS[rand(RELEMENTS.size)] end def decay @decay -= 1 end def test @successes = 0 if @regexp HITS.each do |hit| result = (hit =~ @regexp) if result != nil reward end end MISSES.each do |miss| result = (miss =~ @regexp) if result == nil reward end end end @score = @successes self end def reward @successes += 1 end def cross other len = size olen = other.size split = rand(len) ops = [] @operators.length.times do |num| if num < split ops << @operators[num] else ops << other.operators[num + (olen - len)] end end Attempt.new ops end # apply a random mutation, you don't have to use all of them def mutate send [:flip, :add_rand, :add_first, :add_last, :sub_rand, :sub_first, :sub_last, :swap][rand(8)] make_regexp self end ## mutate methods def flip @operators[rand(size)] = random_op end def add_rand @operators.insert rand(size), random_op end def add_first @operators.insert 0, random_op end def add_last @operators << random_op end def sub_rand @operators.delete_at rand(size) end def sub_first @operators.delete_at 0 end def sub_last @operators.delete_at size end def swap to = rand(size) begin from = rand(size) end while to == from @operators[to], @operators[from] = @operators[from], @operators[to] end def regexp_to_s @operators.join("") end def <=> other score <=> other.score end def size @operators.length end def to_s "#{regexp_to_s} #{score}" end def dup Attempt.new @operators.dup end def score if @score > 0 ret = case when (size > START_SIZE * 2) @score-20 when size > START_SIZE @score-2 else @score #+ START_SIZE - size end ret + @decay else @score + @decay end end def == other to_s == other.to_s end def stats puts "Regexp #{@regexp.inspect}" puts "Length #{@operators.length}" puts "Successes #{@successes}/#{MAX_SUCCESSES}" puts "HITS" HITS.each do |hit| result = (hit =~ @regexp) if result == nil puts "\tFAIL #{hit}" else puts "\tOK #{hit} #{result}" end end puts "MISSES" MISSES.each do |miss| result = (miss =~ @regexp) if result == nil puts "\tOK #{miss}" else puts "\tFAIL #{miss} #{result}" end end end end $stderr.reopen("/dev/null", "w") # turn off stderr to stop streams of bad rexexp messages # find some seed attempt values results = [] 10000.times do a = Attempt.new a.test if a.score > 0 # puts "#{a.regexp_to_s} #{a.score}" results << a end end results.sort!.reverse! puts "SEED ATTEMPTS" puts results[0..9] old_result = nil LOOP_COUNT.times do |i| results = results[0..9] results.map {|r| r.decay } 3.times do new_results = results.map {|r| r.dup.mutate.test} results.concat new_results new_results = results.map {|r| r.cross( results[rand(10)] ).test } results.concat new_results end new_results = [] 20.times do new_results << Attempt.new.test end results.concat new_results results.sort!.reverse! if old_result != results[0].score old_result = results[0].score end puts "#{i} #{results[0]}" end puts "\n--------------------------------------------------" puts "Winner! #{results[0]}" puts "--------------------------------------------------\n" results[0].stats 


总的来说,似乎多次运行较短的循环最有可能产生可用的结果。 然而,这可能是由于我的实施而不是遗传算法的本质。



最终,花在学习正则表达式上的时间要好于尝试将此代码用作快捷方式。 我意识到提问者可能没有这种动机,我尝试这个的原因是因为这是一个有趣的想法。

结果中有许多权衡取舍。 您提供的HITS和MISSES越多样化,产生结果所需的时间越长,您必须运行的循环越多。 每个较少的结果可能会产生一个结果,该结果要么大量特定于您提供的字符串,要么是通用的,以至于它在现实世界中不会有用。







该站点实际上允许您从示例文本生成正则表达式。 您选择要使用正则表达式的文本字符串的一部分,然后使用您选择的语言为您生成该字符串。

看看它,它的常见问题解答中有一个例子 – https://txt2re.com/index.php3?d=faq