如何在Python中解密AWS Ruby客户端加密

AWS的S3 SDK for Ruby允许对文件进行客户端(“信封”)加密。 它是客户端密钥的AES CBC / ECB加密的组合,其中包络密钥和初始化向量存储在元数据中。

我有一个Ruby开发人员,它已经加密了S3存储桶中的各种文件,我需要使用Python检索和解密。 Python S3 AWS SDK目前没有此客户端function。

假设使用Ruby bucket.write S3 API的encryption_key参数加密文件:

 #!/usr/bin/ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'aws-sdk' require 'openssl' access_key = '' secret_access_key = '' encryption_key = "passwordpassword" s3 = AWS::S3.new storage_host = "our_bucket" storage_path = "prod/master_report/test.txt" bucket_obj = s3.buckets[storage_host].objects[storage_path] bucket_obj.write(file: 'test.txt', encryption_key: encryption_key) 

有没有办法用Python解密文件而不是使用Ruby SDK?

通过Ruby S3 SDK进行了一些跟踪,但客户端加密是使用AES算法实现的“信封加密”。 简而言之,信封的内容使用AES-CBC加密,密钥和IV存储在文件的元数据中(base64编码)。 CBC密钥本身是AES-EBC编码的用户给定的加密密钥。


 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import boto import tempfile import base64 from Crypto.Cipher import AES ENCRYPTION_KEY = b"passwordpassword" ENV_KEY_LENGTH = 32 conn = boto.connect_s3() bucket = conn.get_bucket('our_bucket', validate=False) encrypted = bucket.get_key('prod/master_report/test.txt') # get envelop keys from file metadata metadata = encrypted.metadata envelope_key = base64.b64decode(metadata['x-amz-key']) envelope_iv = base64.b64decode(metadata['x-amz-iv']) # decrypt envelope key cipher = AES.new(ENCRYPTION_KEY, AES.MODE_ECB) envelope_key = cipher.decrypt(envelope_key)[:ENV_KEY_LENGTH] # write encrypted file tf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() encrypted.get_file(tf) cipher = AES.new(envelope_key, AES.MODE_CBC, envelope_iv) # read contents of file contents = "" with open('simple/decrypted.txt', 'w') as out: tf.seek(0) with tf: for line in tf: dec_line = cipher.decrypt(line) contents += dec_line print(dec_line, file=out) tf.close() print("Decrypted: %s" % (contents,))