使用HTTP gem(或RestClient)的数组的API POST

我遇到这个api有困难,似乎无法克服困难。 使用HTTP gem (虽然我很灵活,可以使用RestClient,如果能让我得到更快的答案!)。 无论如何,我在发布arrays时遇到了麻烦。 其他一切都很好,我只是无法弄清楚在addorder方法中找到的printaura api中的“itemsarray”: PrintAura API


def self.submitorder req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => { :key => APIKEY, :hash => APIHASH, :method => "addorder", :businessname => "this is a secret too", :businesscontact => "thats a secret", :email => "my@email.com", :your_order_id => "1", :returnlabel => "FakeAddress", :clientname => "ShippingName", :address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1", :address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2", :city => "ShippingCity", :state => "ShippingState", :zip => "ShippingZip", :country => "US", :customerphone => "dontcallme", :shipping_id => "1", :itemsarray => {:item => [ :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :front_print => 1389517, :front_mockup => 1390615, :quantity => 1 ]} }) puts JSON.parse(req) end 


 {"status"=>false, "error_code"=>19, "result"=>19, "message"=>"You cannot place an order without items, Please fill the items array with all the required information. Full API documentation can be found at https:/www.printaura.com/api/"} 


要在JSON中创建数组,可以在Ruby中使用数组。 这很容易。

 require 'json' def self.submitorder req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => { :key => APIKEY, :hash => APIHASH, :method => "addorder", :businessname => "this is a secret too", :businesscontact => "thats a secret", :email => "my@email.com", :your_order_id => "1", :returnlabel => "FakeAddress", :clientname => "ShippingName", :address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1", :address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2", :city => "ShippingCity", :state => "ShippingState", :zip => "ShippingZip", :country => "US", :customerphone => "dontcallme", :shipping_id => "1", :items => [ { :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :front_print => 1389517, :front_mockup => 1390615, :quantity => 1 } ] }) puts JSON.parse(req) 

API列出了一个items参数,该参数应包含一个对象数组。 它没有说明itemsarray

 def self.submitorder itemsarray = { :items => [ { :product_id => 423, :brand_id => 33, :color_id => 498, :size_id => 4, :quantity => 1, :front_print => 1389517, :front_mockup => 1390617 } ] } req = HTTP.post("https://api.printaura.com/api.php", :json => { :key => APIKEY, :hash => APIHASH, :method => "addorder", :businessname => "this is a secret too", :businesscontact => "thats a secret", :email => "my@email.com", :your_order_id => "1", :returnlabel => "FakeAddress", :clientname => "ShippingName", :address1 => "ShippingAddressLine1", :address2 => "ShippingAddressLine2", :city => "ShippingCity", :state => "ShippingState", :zip => "ShippingZip", :country => "US", :customerphone => "dontcallme", :shipping_id => "1", :items => Base64.encode64(itemsarray.to_json)} ) puts JSON.parse(req) 
