
我是第一次测试CanCan的能力而且很难过。 我错过了一些东西……即使我在can中返回false / true:invite_to block我仍然没有通过规范。 我错过了使用CanCan匹配器吗? 还是存根? 或者在CanCan中定义能力?



class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) user ||= User.new can :invite_to, Network do |network| network.allows_invitations? && (user.admin? || user.can_send_invitations_for?(network)) end end end 


 require 'cancan' require 'cancan/matchers' require_relative '../../app/models/ability.rb' class Network; end; describe Ability do let(:ability) { Ability.new(@user) } describe "#invite_to, Network" do context "when network level invitations are enabled" do let(:network) { stub(allows_invitations?: true) } it "allows an admin" do @user = stub(admin?: true) ability.should be_able_to(:invite_to, network) end it "allows a member if the member's invitation privileges are enabled" do @user = stub(admin?: false, can_send_invitations_for?: true) ability.should be_able_to(:invite_to, network) end it "denies a member if the member's invitation privileges are disabled" do @user = stub(admin?: false, can_send_invitations_for?: false) ability.should_not be_able_to(:invite_to, network) end end end end 


  1) Ability#invite_to, Network when network level invitations are enabled allows an admin Failure/Error: ability.should be_able_to(:invite_to, network) expected to be able to :invite_to # # ./spec/models/ability_spec.rb:16:in `block (4 levels) in ' 2) Ability#invite_to, Network when network level invitations are enabled allows a member if the member's invitation privileges are enabled Failure/Error: ability.should be_able_to(:invite_to, network) expected to be able to :invite_to # # ./spec/models/ability_spec.rb:21:in `block (4 levels) in ' 

  let(:network) do n = Network.new n.stub!(:allows_invitations? => true) n end 

如果在编写代码时运行代码,则永远不会到达Can块中的代码。 你对stub的调用返回了一个类RSpec :: Mocks :: Mock的对象; 它必须是CanCan类网络才能应用规则。