

class A def test puts "I'm Doing something..." end end class A # with logging! alias_method :test_orig, :test def test puts "Log Message!" test_orig end end a = a.test 

上面的工作没问题,只是如果我需要再次为方法做别名,它会进入无限循环。 我想要一些更像super的东西,我可以根据需要多次扩展它,并且每个扩展名都使用alias作为其父级。


 class A original_test = instance_method(:test) define_method(:test) do puts "Log Message!" original_test.bind(self).call end end class A original_test = instance_method(:test) counter = 0 define_method(:test) do counter += 1 puts "Counter = #{counter}" original_test.bind(self).call end end irb> Counter = 1 Log Message! #=> #.... irb> Counter = 2 Log Message! #=> #..... 


 class Module def add_logging(*method_names) method_names.each do |method_name| original_method = instance_method(method_name) define_method(method_name) do |*args,&blk| puts "logging #{method_name}" original_method.bind(self).call(*args,&blk) end end end end class A add_logging :test end 


 class Module def self.define_aspect(aspect_name, &definition) define_method(:"add_#{aspect_name}") do |*method_names| method_names.each do |method_name| original_method = instance_method(method_name) define_method(method_name, &(definition[method_name, original_method])) end end end # make an add_logging method define_aspect :logging do |method_name, original_method| lambda do |*args, &blk| puts "Logging #{method_name}" original_method.bind(self).call(*args, &blk) end end # make an add_counting method global_counter = 0 define_aspect :counting do |method_name, original_method| local_counter = 0 lambda do |*args, &blk| global_counter += 1 local_counter += 1 puts "Counters: global@#{global_counter}, local@#{local_counter}" original_method.bind(self).call(*args, &blk) end end end class A def test puts "I'm Doing something..." end def test1 puts "I'm Doing something once..." end def test2 puts "I'm Doing something twice..." puts "I'm Doing something twice..." end def test3 puts "I'm Doing something thrice..." puts "I'm Doing something thrice..." puts "I'm Doing something thrice..." end def other_tests puts "I'm Doing something else..." end add_logging :test, :test2, :test3 add_counting :other_tests, :test1, :test3 end 


 class AWithLogging < A\ def test puts "Log Message!" super end end 


 class A # with logging! alias_method :test_without_logging, :test def test puts "Log Message!" test_without_logging end end 


 class A # with frobnication! alias_method :test_without_frobnication, :test def test Frobnitz.frobnicate(self) test_without_frobnication end end 
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