
我在使用RVM安装Ruby时遇到了麻烦,这个让我很难过。 我正在运行OS Mavericks,使用最新的XCode和xcode命令行工具。 我(在我的知识)相同的设置在另一台机器上没有问题。


在尝试rvm install 2.1时,我收到以下错误消息:

ruby-2.1.1 - #removing src/ruby-2.1.1.. Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time. No binary rubies available for: osx/10.9/x86_64/ruby-2.1.1. Continuing with compilation. Please read 'rvm help mount' to get more information on binary rubies. Checking requirements for osx. Certificates in '/usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem' already are up to date. Requirements installation successful. Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)... ruby-2.1.1 - #downloading ruby-2.1.1, this may take a while depending on your connection... ruby-2.1.1 - #extracting ruby-2.1.1 to /Users/user/.rvm/src/ruby-2.1.1... ruby-2.1.1 - #applying patch /Users/user/.rvm/patches/ruby/changeset_r45225.diff. ruby-2.1.1 - #applying patch /Users/user/.rvm/patches/ruby/changeset_r45240.diff. ruby-2.1.1 - #configuring. Error running './configure --prefix=/Users/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1 --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/libyaml:/usr/local/opt/readline:/usr/local/opt/libksba:/usr/local/opt/openssl --enable-shared', showing last 15 lines of /Users/user/.rvm/log/1394918736_ruby-2.1.1/configure.log [2014-03-15 21:25:55] ./configure current path: /Users/user/.rvm/src/ruby-2.1.1 PATH=/usr/local/opt/pkg-config/bin:/usr/local/opt/libtool/bin:/usr/local/opt/automake/bin:/usr/local/opt/autoconf/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/user/.rvm/bin command(4): ./configure --prefix=/Users/user/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1 --with-opt-dir=/usr/local/opt/libyaml:/usr/local/opt/readline:/usr/local/opt/libksba:/usr/local/opt/openssl --enable-shared checking build system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 checking host system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 checking target system type... x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 :2:3: error: #error premature clang #error premature clang ^ 1 error generated. configure: error: clang version 3.0 or later is required There has been an error while running configure. Halting the installation. 


 Checking requirements for osx. Installing requirements for osx. Updating system.... Installing required packages: gcc46..... Error running 'requirements_osx_brew_libs_install gcc46', showing last 15 lines of /Users/user/.rvm/log/1394919146/package_install_gcc46.log + case "$1" in + [[ -t 1 ]] + return 1 + printf %b 'There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log. Try `brew tap --repair` and make sure `brew doctor` looks reasonable. Check Homebrew requirements https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/Installation\n' There were package installation errors, make sure to read the log. Try `brew tap --repair` and make sure `brew doctor` looks reasonable. Check Homebrew requirements https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/Installation + case "$_system_version" in + return 1 Requirements installation failed with status: 1. 

我按照这里的建议,现在花了几个小时在网上看,但还没有解决方案对我有用。 任何想法和想法都是最受欢迎的 – 这个让我难过。

一旦你有gcc46 insall你需要将它设置为默认编译器。 您可以在此处找到有关不同方法的信息: 在Mac OS X Leopard上将GCC 4.2设置为默认编译器

然后,如输出所示,使用brew tap --repairbrew doctor ,它可以为您提供更多信息。