

a_hash['x'] ? a_hash['x'] += ' some more text' : a_hash['x'] = 'first text' 



一种是将单个对象传递给Hash.new 。 这在许多情况下都很有效,特别是如果对象是冻结值,但如果对象具有内部状态,则可能会产生意外的副作用。 由于在没有指定值的情况下在所有键之间共享同一对象,因此修改一个对象的内部状态将全部显示。

 a_hash = Hash.new "initial value" a_hash['a'] #=> "initial value" # op= methods don't modify internal state (usually), since they assign a new # value for the key. a_hash['b'] += ' owned by b' #=> "initial value owned by b" # other methods, like #<< and #gsub modify the state of the string a_hash['c'].gsub!(/initial/, "c's") a_hash['d'] << " modified by d" a_hash['e'] #=> "c's value modified by d" 

另一种初始化方法是向Hash.new传递一个块,每次为没有值的键请求值时都会调用该块。 这允许您为每个键使用不同的值。

 another_hash = Hash.new { "new initial value" } another_hash['a'] #=> "new initial value" # op= methods still work as expected another_hash['b'] += ' owned by b' # however, if you don't assign the modified value, it's lost, # since the hash rechecks the block every time an unassigned key's value is asked for another_hash['c'] << " owned by c" #=> "new initial value owned by c" another_hash['c'] #=> "new initial value" 

该块传递两个参数:要求哈希值和使用的密钥。 这使您可以选择为该键分配值,以便每次给定特定键时都会显示相同的对象。

 yet_another_hash = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = "#{key}'s initial value" } yet_another_hash['a'] #=> "a's initial value" yet_another_hash['b'] #=> "b's initial value" yet_another_hash['c'].gsub!('initial', 'awesome') yet_another_hash['c'] #=> "c's awesome value" yet_another_hash #=> { "a" => "a's initial value", "b" => "b's initial value", "c" => "c's awesome value" } 

最后一种方法是我经常使用的方法。 它对于缓存昂贵计算的结果也很有用。


 a_hash = { 'x' => 'first text' } // ... a_hash['x'] << ' some more text' 

Hash的构造函数在其第一个参数中具有键的默认值。 这条路

 >> a_hash = Hash.new "first text" => {} >> a_hash['a'] => "first text" >> a_hash['b'] += ", edit" => "first text, edit" 

由于您使用哈希来收集字符串,我假设您只是想确保在附加时不会出现错误。 因此,我将哈希默认为空字符串。 然后,无论哈希密钥如何,您都可以无误地追加。

 a_hash = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k]=""} texts = ['first text', ' some more text'] texts.each do |text| a_hash['x'] << text end puts a_hash['x'] #=> 'first text some more text' 

如果您不想使用default= value(现有哈希),可以使用fetch(key [, default])作为具有默认值的查找来缩短代码:

 a_hash['x'] = a_hash.fetch('x', 'first_text') + ' some more text'