

[1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2] #=> true [1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] #=> false (this is where (a1-a2).empty? fails) [2,1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] #=> true 


对于那些使用数组作为集合的人来说 , 这个问题可以解决它 ,但我需要控制重复数据。


在Ruby 1.9.3p194上

 def bench puts Benchmark.measure { 10000.times do [1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2] [1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] [2,1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] end } end 


 Rohit 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.104486) Chris 0.040000 0.000000 0.040000 ( 0.040178) Sergio 0.160000 0.020000 0.180000 ( 0.173940) sawa 0.030000 0.000000 0.030000 ( 0.032393) 


 @a1 = (1..10000).to_a @a2 = (1..1000).to_a @a3 = (1..2000).to_a def bench puts Benchmark.measure { 1000.times do @a1.contains_all? @a2 @a1.contains_all? @a3 @a3.contains_all? @a2 end } end 


 Rohit 9.750000 0.410000 10.160000 ( 10.158182) Chris 10.250000 0.180000 10.430000 ( 10.433797) Sergio 14.570000 0.070000 14.640000 ( 14.637870) sawa 3.460000 0.020000 3.480000 ( 3.475513) 

 class Array def contains_all? other other = other.dup each{|e| if i = other.index(e) then other.delete_at(i) end} other.empty? end end 

这是一个天真而直接的实现(可能不是最有效的实现)。 只计算元素并比较两个元素及其出现次数。

 class Array def contains_all? ary # group the arrays, so that # [2, 1, 1, 3] becomes {1 => 2, 2 => 1, 3 => 1} my_groups = group_and_count self their_groups = group_and_count ary their_groups.each do |el, cnt| if !my_groups[el] || my_groups[el] < cnt return false end end true end private def group_and_count ary ary.reduce({}) do |memo, el| memo[el] ||= 0 memo[el] += 1 memo end end end [1, 2, 3].contains_all? [1, 2] # => true [1, 2, 3].contains_all? [1, 2, 2] # => false [2, 1, 2, 3].contains_all? [1, 2, 2] # => true [1, 2, 3].contains_all? [] # => true [].contains_all? [1, 2] # => false 

看来你需要一个multiset。 看看这个gem ,我认为它可以满足您的需求。


 @ms1 & @ms2 == @ms2 


 class Array def contains_all? arr h = self.inject(Hash.new(0)) {|h, i| h[i] += 1; h} arr.each do |i| return false unless h.has_key?(i) return false if h[i] == 0 h[i] -= 1 end true end end 

回答我自己的实现,但绝对想看看是否有人能够提出一种更有效的方式。 (我不会接受我自己的回答)

 class Array def contains_all?(a2) a2.inject(self.dup) do |copy, el| if copy.include? el index = copy.index el copy.delete_at index else return false end copy end true end end 


 1.9.3p194 :016 > [1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2] #=> true => true 1.9.3p194 :017 > [1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] #=> false (this is where (a1-a2).empty? fails) => false 1.9.3p194 :018 > [2,1,2,3].contains_all? [1,2,2] #=> true => true 

此解决方案仅迭代两个列表一次,因此以线性时间运行。 但是,如果预计列表非常小,则可能会产生过多的开销。

  class Array def contains_all?(other) return false if other.size > size elem_counts = other.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |elem,hash| hash[elem] += 1 } each do |elem| elem_counts.delete(elem) if (elem_counts[elem] -= 1) <= 0 return true if elem_counts.empty? end false end end 
 class Array def contains_all?(ary) ary.uniq.all? { |x| count(x) >= ary.count(x) } end end 


 irb(main):131:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[abc] => true irb(main):132:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[abcc] => true irb(main):133:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[abccc] => false irb(main):134:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[a] => true irb(main):135:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[x] => false irb(main):136:0> %w[abcc].contains_all? %w[] => true 


 class Array def contains_all?(ary) ary.all? { |x| count(x) >= ary.count(x) } end end 

如果找不到方法,可以使用ruby的include来构建一个方法吗? 方法。

官方文件: http : //www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Array.html#method-i-include-3F


 array = [1, 2, 3, 4] array.include? 3 #=> true 


 def array_includes_all?( array, comparision_array ) contains = true for i in comparision_array do unless array.include? i contains = false end end return contains end array_includes_all?( [1,2,3,2], [1,2,2] ) #=> true