为Ruby SQLite插入转义字符串

我正在创建一个Ruby脚本,将大约150k行的制表符分隔文本文件导入SQLite。 到目前为止:

require 'sqlite3' file = File.new("/Users/michael/catalog.txt") string = [] # Escape single quotes, remove newline, split on tabs, # wrap each item in quotes, and join with commas def prepare_for_insert(s) s.gsub(/'/,"\\\\'").chomp.split(/\t/).map {|str| "'#{str}'"}.join(", ") end file.each_line do |line| string << prepare_for_insert(line) end database = SQLite3::Database.new("/Users/michael/catalog.db") # Insert each string into the database string.each do |str| database.execute( "INSERT INTO CATALOG VALUES (#{str})") end 


 /Users/michael/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p0/gems/sqlite3-1.3.5/lib/sqlite3/database.rb:91: in `initialize': near "s": syntax error (SQLite3::SQLException) 

它在第15行出错。如果我用puts string[14]检查该行,我可以看到它在“s”附近显示错误的位置。 它看起来像这样: 'Touch the Top of the World: A Blind Man\'s Journey to Climb Farther Than the Eye Can See'


不要那样做,字符串插值和SQL往往是一个糟糕的组合。 使用预准备语句,让驱动程序处理引用和转义:

 # Ditch the gsub in prepare_for_insert and... db = SQLite3::Database.new('/Users/michael/catalog.db') ins = db.prepare('insert into catalog (column_name) values (?)') string.each { |s| ins.execute(s) } 

您应该将column_name替换为实际的列名; 您不必在INSERT中指定列名,但无论如何都应该始终执行。 如果需要插入更多列,则向ins.execute添加更多占位符和参数。

