
在控制台中玩了很多次之后,我想出了这种方法,可以在它们发生的那一天将类似activerecord的(Mongoid)对象分组。 我不确定这是实现这一目标的最佳方法,但它确实有效。 有没有人有更好的建议,或者这是一个好方法吗?

#events is an array of activerecord-like objects that include a time attribute events.map{ |event| # convert events array into an array of hashes with the day of the month and the event { :number => event.time.day, :event => event } }.reduce({}){ |memo,day| # convert this into a hash with arrays of events keyed by their day or occurrance ( memo[day[:number]] ||= [] ) < { 29 => [e1, e2], 28 => [e3, e4, e5], 27 => [e6, e7], ... } 



 events.inject({}) do |memo,event| ( memo[event.time.day] ||= [] ) << event memo end 

显然是Rails monkeypatches可以使用#group_by方法枚举,其工作方式如下:

 events.group_by { |event| event.time.day }