
我正在努力让google-api-ruby-client gem按照基本用法示例进行操作:基本用法

require 'google/apis/drive_v2' Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 # Alias the module drive = Drive::DriveService.new drive.authorization = ... # See Googleauth or Signet libraries # Search for files in Drive (first page only) files = drive.list_files(q: "title contains 'finances'") files.items.each do |file| puts file.title end 

我被困的地方是drive.authorization 。 我已经通过gem omniauth-google-oauth2为用户提供了一个授权令牌。 如何在google-api-ruby-client中使用该令牌?


这取决于您的应用(应用仅与谷歌或用户的驱动器进行互动),所以可以从这里开始: https : //developers.google.com/api-client-library/ruby/guide/aaa_overview

我也被卡住了。 IMO谷歌应该在他们的文档中有更详细的阐述,特别是因为我们所要做的只是添加一个请求标题…


 # # Note I don't think we always have to define a class with such a conflict-prone name. # An anonymous class defined before every single API call should be also fine. # module Google class AccessToken attr_reader :token def initialize(token) @token = token end def apply!(headers) headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{@token}" end end end 
 Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2 drive = Drive::DriveService.new drive.authorization = Google::AccessToken.new your_token 

参考: https : //github.com/google/google-api-ruby-client/issues/296


 # Manages access tokens for users when using Google APIs # # Usage: # require 'google/apis/gmail_v1' # Gmail = Google::Apis::GmailV1 # Alias the module # service = Gmail::GmailService.new # service.authorization = GoogleOauth2Authorization.new user # service.list_user_messages(user.email) # # See also: # https://github.com/google/google-api-ruby-client/issues/296 class GoogleOauth2Authorization attr_reader :user def initialize(user) @user = user end def apply!(headers) headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{token}" end def token refresh! if user.provider_token_expires_at.past? user.provider_access_token end private def refresh! new_token = oauth_access_token( user.provider_access_token, user.provider_refresh_token ).refresh! if new_token.present? user.update( provider_access_token: new_token.token, provider_token_expires_at: Time.zone.at(new_token.expires_at), provider_refresh_token: new_token.refresh_token ) end user end def oauth_access_token(access_token, refresh_token) OAuth2::AccessToken.new( oauth_strategy.client, access_token, refresh_token: refresh_token ) end def oauth_strategy OmniAuth::Strategies::GoogleOauth2.new( nil, Rails.application.credentials.oauth[:google_id], Rails.application.credentials.oauth[:google_secret] ) end end