

Blade Runner (1982) [117 min] Full Metal Jacket (1987) [116 min] Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [91 min] The Godfather (1972) [175 min] 


 Movie name: Blade Runner Movie release year: 1982 Movie length (in mins): 117 Movie name: Full Metal Jacket Movie release year: 1987 Movie length (in mins): 116 Movie name: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Movie release year: 1975 Movie length (in mins): 91 Movie name: The Godfather Movie release year: 1972 Movie length (in mins): 175 

首先我迭代每一行,然后我认为我应该迭代字符串的每一部分,但那是我被卡住的地方,我该怎么做? 我使用正则表达式吗? 如何保存与正则表达式匹配的特定字符串?


我知道它在很多方面都不对,但这就是我寻求帮助的原因。 变量= / regex /是变量被赋予正则表达式捕获的东西的行,以及当正则表达式匹配时/ regex /的变量。

 class Movie def initialize (name, year, length) # constructor @name = name @year = year @length = length end def to_s # returns string representation of object return "Movie Name: " + @name + "\nMovie release year: " + @year + "\nMovie Length (in min): " + @length + "\n" end end $movies = [] File.open("movies.txt").each do |line| if matches = /(.*)? \((\d+).*?(\d+)/.match(line) $movies << Movie.new(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]) end end for $movie in $movies do #what u got here is not index but the element in the array print $movie.to_s end 



Edit2:和nownit一样。 谢谢PeterPeiGuo!

 m = /(.*)? \((\d+).*?(\d+)/.match("Blade Runner (1982) [117 min]") 


 $movies = [] File.open("movies.txt").each do |line| if matches = /^(.*)\((\d+)\) \[(\d+)\smin\]/.match(line) $movies << Movie.new(matches[1], matches[2], matches[3]) end end 
 # create string containing list of movies (numerous ways to load this data) movie = <<-MOV Blade Runner (1982) [117 min] Full Metal Jacket (1987) [116 min] Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) [91 min] The Godfather (1972) [175 min] <<-MOV # split movies into lines, then iterate over each line and do some regex # to extract relavent data (name, year, runtime) data = movies.split("\n").map do |s| s.scan(/([\w\s]+)\ \((\d+)\)\ \[(\d+)\ min\]/).flatten } end # => [['Blade Runner', '1982', '117'], ... ] # iterate over data, output in desired format. data.each do |data| puts "Movie name: #{data[0]}\nMovie release year: #{data[1]}\nMovie length: (in mins): #{data[2]}\n\n" } end # outputs in format you specified