


为了澄清,我希望将数字存储为完整小数 ,但打印为百分比

您可能想要使用number_to_percentage方法。 以下是如何使用它的一些示例。

 number_to_percentage(100) # => 100.000% number_to_percentage("98") # => 98.000% number_to_percentage(100, precision: 0) # => 100% number_to_percentage(1000, delimiter: '.', separator: ',') # => 1.000,000% number_to_percentage(302.24398923423, precision: 5) # => 302.24399% number_to_percentage(1000, locale: :fr) # => 1 000,000% number_to_percentage("98a") # => 98a% number_to_percentage(100, format: "%n %") # => 100 % 


 :locale - Sets the locale to be used for formatting (defaults to current locale). :precision - Sets the precision of the number (defaults to 3). :significant - If true, precision will be the # of significant_digits. If false, the # of fractional digits (defaults to false). :separator - Sets the separator between the fractional and integer digits (defaults to “.”). :delimiter - Sets the thousands delimiter (defaults to “”). :strip_insignificant_zeros - If true removes insignificant zeros after the decimal separator (defaults to false). :format - Specifies the format of the percentage string The number field is %n (defaults to “%n%”). 


  class Numeric def percent_of(n) self.to_f / n.to_f * 100.0 end end p (1).percent_of(10) # => 10.0 (%) p (200).percent_of(100) # => 200.0 (%) p (0.5).percent_of(20) # => 2.5 (%) 

您可以使用number_to_percentage帮助程序在视图中以百分比forms打印数字。 如果您的号码在0到1之间,那么您可以通过以下方式实现:

 number_to_percentage(@number * 100, precision: 0) 
