

describe Dictionary do before do @d = end it 'can check whether a given keyword exists' do @d.include?('fish').should be_false end 


 class Dictionary def initialize @hash = {} end def add(new_entry) new_entry.class == String ? @hash[new_entry] = nil : new_entry.each { |noun, definition| @hash[noun] = definition} end def entries @hash end def keywords @hash.keys end def include?(word) if @hash.has_key?(word) true else false end end end 


 > 1) Dictionary can check whether a given keyword exists > Failure/Error: @d.include?('fish').should be_false > expected false to respond to `false?` 

我对错误感到困惑,因为它似乎给出了正确的答案。 如果有人能花几分钟告诉我我的代码有什么问题,我真的很感激。 谢谢你。

如果您浏览RSpec Expectations 2.99和RSpec Expectations 2.14并搜索部分 – 真实性和存在主义 ,您会发现

 expect(actual).to be_true # passes if actual is truthy (not nil or false) expect(actual).to be_false # passes if actual is falsy (nil or false) # ............... # ... 

但是你浏览RSpec Expectations 3.0 ,上面的方法名称改为 –

 expect(actual).to be_truthy # passes if actual is truthy (not nil or false) expect(actual).to be true # passes if actual == true expect(actual).to be_falsey # passes if actual is falsy (nil or false) # ........... #...... 

看起来你是3.0 ,并使用此版本之前存在的方法。 因此你得到了错误。

我把代码放在我的test.rb文件中,如下所示: –

 class Dictionary def initialize @hash = {} end def add(new_entry) new_entry.class == String ? @hash[new_entry] = nil : new_entry.each { |noun, definition| @hash[noun] = definition} end def entries @hash end def keywords @hash.keys end def include?(word) if @hash.has_key?(word) true else false end end end 

我的spec / test_spec.rb文件是 –

 require_relative "../test.rb" describe Dictionary do before do @d = end it 'can check whether a given keyword exists' do @d.include?('fish').should be_false end end 


 arup@linux-wzza:~/Ruby> rspec -v 2.14.8 arup@linux-wzza:~/Ruby> rspec spec . Finished in 0.00169 seconds 1 example, 0 failures 

现在我正在更改spec / test_spec.rb文件中的代码: –

 require_relative "../test.rb" describe Dictionary do before do @d = end it 'can check whether a given keyword exists' do @d.include?('fish').should be_falsey end end 

并再次运行测试: –

 arup@linux-wzza:~/Ruby> rspec -v 2.14.8 arup@linux-wzza:~/Ruby> rspec spec F Failures: 1) Dictionary can check whether a given keyword exists Failure/Error: @d.include?('fish').should be_falsey NoMethodError: undefined method `falsey?' for false:FalseClass # ./spec/test_spec.rb:9:in `block (2 levels) in ' Finished in 0.00179 seconds 1 example, 1 failure Failed examples: rspec ./spec/test_spec.rb:8 # Dictionary can check whether a given keyword exists arup@linux-wzza:~/Ruby> 

现在,他们也在3.0.0.beta1 / 2013-11-07更新日志中提到过

be_truebe_false重命名为be_truthybe_falsey 。 (Sam Phippen)