
我错过了为每对数字创建新数组然后把每一对的总和? 顺便说一句,是否有可能通过’,’在一行输入一对数字?

arr = [] sum = 0 puts "How much pair of numbers do you want to sum?" iter = gets.to_i iter.times do |n| puts "Enter pair of numbers: " a = gets.to_i b = gets.to_i arr << a arr << b end iter.times do |n| puts "Here are the sums: " arr.each { |x| sum += x } puts sum end 


 2 # Number of pairs 562 -881 # First pair 310 -385 # Second pair 


 -319 -75 


 arr = [] sum = 0 puts "How much pair of numbers do you want to sum?" iter = gets.to_i iter.times do |n| puts "Enter pair of numbers: " a = gets.to_i b = gets.to_i arr << [a, b] # store a new 2-element array to arr end iter.times do |n| puts "Here are the sums: " arr.each { |a, b| puts a + b } # calculate and output for each end 


  a, b = gets.split(',').map(&:to_i) 


 puts "Here are the sums: " arr.each { |a, b| puts a + b } # calculate and output for each 

加上一些error handling。

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