使用Rugged / libgit2创建提交时如何更新工作目录?


require "rugged" r = Rugged::Repository.new(".") index = r.index index.read_tree(r.references["refs/heads/master"].target.tree) blob = r.write("My test", :blob) index.add(:oid => blob, :path => "test.md", :mode => 0100644) tree = index.write_tree parents = [r.references["refs/heads/master"].target].compact actor = {:name => "Actor", :email => "actor@bla"} options = { :tree => tree, :parents => parents, :committer => actor, :message => "message", :update_ref => "HEAD" } puts Rugged::Commit.create(r, options) 

创建提交,脚本输出773d97f453a6df6e8bb5099dc0b3fc8aba5ebaa7 (新提交的SHA)。 生成的提交和树看起来像他们应该:

 ludwig$ git cat-file commit 773d97f453a6df6e8bb5099dc0b3fc8aba5ebaa7 tree 253d0a2b8419e1eb89fd462ef6e0b478c4388ca3 parent bb1593b0534c8a5b506c5c7f2952e245f1fe75f1 author Actor  1417735899 +0100 committer Actor  1417735899 +0100 message ludwig$ git ls-tree 253d0a2b8419e1eb89fd462ef6e0b478c4388ca3 100644 blob a7f8d9e5dcf3a68fdd2bfb727cde12029875260b Initial file 100644 blob 7a76116e416ef56a6335b1cde531f34c9947f6b2 test.md 


 ludwig$ ls Initial file rugged_test.rb ludwig$ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) deleted: test.md 

我必须做一个git reset --hard HEAD来获取丢失的文件test.md以显示在工作目录中。 我想创建一个Rugged提交,并设置:update_ref => "HEAD" ,应该自动更新工作目录,但是必须出错,因为执行r.checkout_head也没有效果。 但是,我认为我正确地遵循了粗糙的例子 。 我在这里想念的是什么?


 ludwig$ gem list rugged *** LOCAL GEMS *** rugged (0.21.2) 

您正在采取的步骤是您不希望影响workdir或当前分支的步骤。 您没有创建该文件,也没有将修改后的索引写入磁盘。


 # Create the file and give it some content f = open("test.md", "w") f << "My test" f.close # The file from the workdir from to the index # and write the changes out to disk index = repo.index index.add("test.md") index.write # Get the tree for the commit tree = index.write_tree ... 
