使用rspec codechool 5级测试进行测试4


We've changed the code below so we're mocking ZombieMailer.tweet method instead of the entire method. There is still more to do to make this example work. First, finish the let(:mail) statement below by creating a stub with a deliver method that returns true. Then update the mock so the call to the tweet method returns the mail stub you created. 



 # tweet.rb class Tweet < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :zombie validates :message, presence: true attr_accessible :message after_create :email_tweeter def email_tweeter ZombieMailer.tweet(zombie, self).deliver end private :email_tweeter end # zombie.rb class Zombie < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :tweets validates :email, presence: true attr_accessible :email end 


 class ZombieMailer  'admin@codeschool.com', :to => zombie.email, :subject => tweet.message) end end 

我一直在这方面蹦蹦跳跳,可以使用一些指针。 以下是我现在一直在使用的测试问题3.现在他们要求添加传递方法,但他的方法不存在,或者至少我没有把它放在正确的位置。


 describe Tweet do context 'after create' do let(:zombie) { Zombie.create(email: 'anything@example.org') } let(:tweet) { zombie.tweets.new(message: 'Arrrrgggghhhh') } let(:mail) { stub(:deliver => true) } it 'calls "tweet" on the ZombieMailer' do ZombieMailer.should_receive(:tweet).returns(:mail) tweet.save end end end 


 Failures: 1) Tweet after create calls "tweet" on the ZombieMailer Failure/Error: ZombieMailer.should_receive(:tweet).returns(:mail) NoMethodError: undefined method `returns' for # # zombie_spec.rb:8:in `block (3 levels) ' Finished in 0.37725 seconds 1 example, 1 failure Failed examples: rspec zombie_spec.rb:7 # Tweet after create calls "tweet" on the ZombieMailer 

任何rspec偷看都可以指出我正确的方向,我在这里缺少什么? 谢谢。


 describe Tweet do context 'after create' do let(:zombie) { Zombie.create(email: 'anything@example.org') } let(:tweet) { zombie.tweets.new(message: 'Arrrrgggghhhh') } let(:mail) { stub(:deliver => true) } it 'calls "tweet" on the ZombieMailer' do ZombieMailer.should_receive(:tweet).and_return(mail) tweet.save end end end