
我正在编写一个rails应用程序,其中我有一个编辑器和一个出版物模型。 我正在使用设计编辑器身份validation,并且由于编辑器不能作为访客执行任何操作,我编写了一个用于登录页面的自定义布局,我希望访客用户只能看到登录页面。


require 'spec_helper' require 'capybara/rails' describe "Authentication" do describe "when logged in" do before(:each) do @editor = Factory(:editor, :password => 'secret') visit '/' fill_in 'Login', :with => @editor.login fill_in 'Password', :with => 'secret' click_button 'Sign in' page.should have_content('Signed in successfully.') end it "getting / should render publication page with no redirection" do visit '/' page.should_not have_content('Login') page.should have_content('Publications') # assert that there is no redirection page.current_path.should == '/' end it "visits the sign_in page should redirect to /" do visit '/editors/sign_in' page.should have_content('Publications') page.current_path.should == '/' end end describe "when not logged in" do it "getting / should not display the sign in warning" do visit '/' # I want to get rid of this message page.should_not have_content('You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.') end it "getting / should not redirect to the sign_in default page" do visit '/' page.should have_content('Login') # assert that there is no redirection page.current_path.should == '/' end it "getting the the sign_in default path works" do visit '/editors/sign_in' page.should have_content('Login') page.current_path.should == '/editors/sign_in' end it "login works and redirect me to the publications page (with /)" do @editor = Factory(:editor, :password => 'secret') visit '/' fill_in 'Login', :with => @editor.login fill_in 'Password', :with => 'secret' click_button 'Sign in' page.should have_content('Signed in successfully.') page.current_path.should == '/' page.should have_content('Publications') end end end 

主要问题是我想摆脱“你需要在继续之前登录或注册”。 访客用户访问’/’时的消息。





 authenticated :user do root :to => 'users#index', as: :authenticated_root end root :to => 'welcome#index' 



 authenticated :user do root :to => "main#dashboard" end root :to => "main#index" 


 authenticated :user do root :to => 'home#index', :as => :authenticated_root end root :to => redirect('/users/sign_in') 

直接来自马的嘴巴, 如何为设计gem 。 :d

另外,由于您需要在Rails 4中命名这些根路径,您可能会发现当您想要使用root_path代表您的徽标分别将您带回仪表板或主页时,这很烦人。 我刚刚在ApplicationHelper中创建了帮助器,可以轻松解决这个问题。

 module ApplicationHelper def root_path if user_signed_in? authenticated_root_path else unauthenticated_root_path end end def root_url if user_signed_in? authenticated_root_url else unauthenticated_root_url end end end 


最终我最终只是在会话#new页面上隐藏了flash消息。 根本不是一个很好的解决方案,因为有时你/做/希望该消息出现..

我放弃了一段时间,但我想知道你是否可以使用这种方法 ,但在lambda中设置一些标志,并在会话控制器中有一个before_filter,如果它存在则清空闪存。 就像是…

 #routes => 'users#dashboard', :constraints => lambda {|r| r.env["skip_flash"] = true; r.env["warden"].authenticate? } #sessions_controller.rb before_filter :only=>[:new] do flash[:notice] = nil if request.env["skip_flash"] request.env["skip_flash"] = false end 

我不太熟悉路由约束和请求对象如何工作……但只是一个想法。 只有在您尝试访问“/”而不是其他页面时,才会关闭Flash消息。
