
我正在Ruby中编写测试代码并尝试解析网站的HTML源文件。 它有一个JavaScript变量,我可以用它来与其他值进行比较。 例如:

 function GetParam(name) { var req_var = { a: 'xyz', b: 'yy.com', c: 'en', d:0, e: 'y' }; }  

这里我想从这个函数中提取变量req_var 。 有可能吗? 如果是这样,请有人帮助我吗?


  • rbnarcissus
  • Rkelly
  • 约翰逊


 k =“function GetParam(name){var req_var = {a:'xyz',b:'yy.com',c:'en',d:0,e:'y'};}”
变量= k.match(/ var \ s + req_var \ s + = \ s +(。*?); / m)[1]


rkelly gem为我抛出一个例外,所以我使用了fork rkelly-remix – 你必须卸载原来的一个因为它们使用相同的名字:

gem install rkelly-remix


  var xpos = 0; var ypos = 0; var city = 'Parish'; var cashSaldo = '0.00'; var bankSaldo = ''; var address = 'Lot: 0 - 0'; var simplemode = true; var email_reminder = true; var text_citylist = 'Take a cab to'; var text_nostreet = 'Lot'; var text_lotpos = 'Lot:'; var text_products_title = 'Products'; var text_products_subtitle = 'Produce and set prices'; var text_title = 'Miniconomy'; var text_has_harbor = 'This city has a harbor'; var products = {"gron":{"ln":"Clay"},"stee":{"ln":"Brick"},"ijee":{"ln":"Iron Ore"},"boom":{"ln":"Tree"},"goud":{"ln":"Gold"},"olie":{"ln":"Oil"},"oven":{"ln":"Oven"},"ijze":{"ln":"Iron"},"hout":{"ln":"Wood"},"schi":{"ln":"Bulletproof Vest"},"benz":{"ln":"Gas"},"pomp":{"ln":"Pump"},"schr":{"ln":"Screwdriver"},"sche":{"ln":"Shovel"},"moto":{"ln":"Electrical Engine"},"plas":{"ln":"Plastic"},"zaag":{"ln":"Saw"},"mach":{"ln":"Machine"},"chip":{"ln":"Chip"},"tele":{"ln":"Telephone"},"came":{"ln":"Camera"},"alar":{"ln":"Alarm"},"glas":{"ln":"Glass"}}; var isChristmas = 0; var newMap = 1; 


 o = lambda do |x| next true if x == [:true] next x.size != 2 ? fail : eval(x[1].to_s) if x[0] == :lit || x[0] == :str next x.size != 2 ? fail : Hash[ x[1].map do |a,b,c| fail unless a == :property fail unless b.is_a? Symbol [eval(b.to_s).to_sym, o[c]] end ] if x.first == :object fail x.inspect end require "rkelly" result = Hash[ RKelly::Parser.new.parse(my_js_code).to_sexp.map do |k, v| fail unless k == :var fail unless v.size == 1 a, b, c = v.first fail unless a == :var_decl k, v = c fail unless k == :assign [b, o[v]] end ] 


 {:xpos=>0, :ypos=>0, :city=>"Parish", :cashSaldo=>"0.00", :bankSaldo=>"", :address=>"Lot: 0 - 0", :simplemode=>true, :email_reminder=>true, :text_citylist=>"Take a cab to", :text_nostreet=>"Lot", :text_lotpos=>"Lot:", :text_products_title=>"Products", :text_products_subtitle=>"Produce and set prices", :text_title=>"Miniconomy", :text_has_harbor=>"This city has a harbor", :products=> {:gron=>{:ln=>"Clay"}, :stee=>{:ln=>"Brick"}, :ijee=>{:ln=>"Iron Ore"}, :boom=>{:ln=>"Tree"}, :goud=>{:ln=>"Gold"}, :olie=>{:ln=>"Oil"}, :oven=>{:ln=>"Oven"}, :ijze=>{:ln=>"Iron"}, :hout=>{:ln=>"Wood"}, :schi=>{:ln=>"Bulletproof Vest"}, :benz=>{:ln=>"Gas"}, :pomp=>{:ln=>"Pump"}, :schr=>{:ln=>"Screwdriver"}, :sche=>{:ln=>"Shovel"}, :moto=>{:ln=>"Electrical Engine"}, :plas=>{:ln=>"Plastic"}, :zaag=>{:ln=>"Saw"}, :mach=>{:ln=>"Machine"}, :chip=>{:ln=>"Chip"}, :tele=>{:ln=>"Telephone"}, :came=>{:ln=>"Camera"}, :alar=>{:ln=>"Alarm"}, :glas=>{:ln=>"Glass"}}, :isChristmas=>0, :newMap=>1}