

使用nokogiri从html文档中获取所有可读单词的最简单方法是什么? 理想的代码片段将采用html页面(比如文件),并提供一系列单个单词,这些单词来自可读的所有类型的元素。



 require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' html = Nokogiri::HTML(open 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6129357') # Alternatively html = Nokogiri::HTML(IO.read 'myfile.html') text = html.at('body').inner_text # Pretend that all words we care about contain only az, 0-9, or underscores words = text.scan(/\w+/) p words.length, words.uniq.length, words.uniq.sort[0..8] #=> 907 #=> 428 #=> ["0", "1", "100", "15px", "2", "20", "2011", "220px", "24158nokogiri"] # How about words that are only letters? words = text.scan(/[az]+/i) p words.length, words.uniq.length, words.uniq.sort[0..5] #=> 872 #=> 406 #=> ["Answer", "Ask", "Badges", "Browse", "DocumentFragment", "Email"] 
 # Find the most frequent words require 'pp' def frequencies(words) Hash[ words.group_by(&:downcase).map{ |word,instances| [word,instances.length] }.sort_by(&:last).reverse ] end pp frequencies(words) #=> {"nokogiri"=>34, #=> "a"=>27, #=> "html"=>18, #=> "function"=>17, #=> "s"=>13, #=> "var"=>13, #=> "b"=>12, #=> "c"=>11, #=> ... # Hrm...let's drop the javascript code out of our words html.css('script').remove words = html.at('body').inner_text.scan(/\w+/) pp frequencies(words) #=> {"nokogiri"=>36, #=> "words"=>18, #=> "html"=>17, #=> "text"=>13, #=> "with"=>12, #=> "a"=>12, #=> "the"=>11, #=> "and"=>11, #=> ... 


  1. doc = Nokogiri :: HTML(open(’url’)。read)#open-uri
  2. 使用doc.search(’script’)之类的东西去除所有javascript和样式标签。每个{| el | el.unlink}
  3. doc.text