
我试图通过急切加载避免N + 1查询问题,但它无法正常工作。 相关模型仍在单独加载。


class Player < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :tableau end Class Tableau  :tableau_cards end Class TableauCard  :card end class DeckCard  :tableau_cards end class Card < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :deck_cards end class Turn < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game end 


 def tableau_contains(card_id) self.tableau.tableau_cards = TableauCard.find :all, :include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}], :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', self.tableau.id] contains = false for tableau_card in self.tableau.tableau_cards # my logic here, looking at attributes of the Card model, with # tableau_card.deck_card.card; # individual loads of related Card models related to tableau_card are done here end return contains end 

它与范围有关吗? 这个tableau_contains方法在一个更大的循环中进行了一些方法调用,我最初尝试进行预先加载,因为有几个地方将这些相同的对象循环并进行检查。 然后我最终尝试了上面的代码,在循环之前加载,我仍然在日志中的tableau_cards循环中看到对Card的单独SELECT查询。 我也可以在tableau_cards循环之前看到带有IN子句的eager-loading查询。




这是更大的循环。 它在after_save的观察者里面

 def after_save(pa) turn = Turn.find(pa.turn_id, :include => :player_actions) game = Game.find(turn.game_id, :include => :goals) game.players.all(:include => [ :player_goals, {:tableau => [:tableau_cards => [:deck_card => [:card]]]} ]) if turn.phase_complete(pa, players) # calls player.tableau_contains(card) for goal in game.goals if goal.checks_on_this_phase(pa) if goal.is_available(players, pa, turn) for player in game.players goal.check_if_player_takes(player, turn, pa) ... # loop through player.tableau_cards end end end end end end 


 def phase_complete(phase, players) all_players_complete = true for player in players if(!player_completed_phase(player, phase)) all_players_complete = false end end return all_players_complete end 

for player in game.playersfor player in game.players正在进行另一个查询来加载玩家。 它是缓存的,我的意思是它在日志中有CACHE标签,但我认为根本就没有查询,因为game.players应该已经加载到内存中了。


 class Goal  :game_goals has_many :player_goals has_many :players, :through => :player_goals def check_if_player_takes(player, turn, phase) ... for tab_card in player.tableau_cards ... end end 


 class Game has_many :players end 


 class Player < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :tableau belongs_to :game def tableau_contains(card_id) tableau.tableau_cards.any?{|tc| tc.deck_card.card.id == card_id} end end 


 def after_save(turn) game = Game.find(turn.game_id, :include => :goals)) Rails.logger.info("Begin eager loading..") players = game.players.all(:include => [:player_goals, {:tableau => [:tableau_cards=> [:deck_card => [:card]]]} ]) Rails.logger.info("End eager loading..") Rails.logger.info("Begin tableau_contains check..") if players.any?{|player| player.tableau_contains(turn.card_id)} # do something.. end Rails.logger.info("End tableau_contains check..") end 

after_save方法中的第二行急切加载执行tableau_contains检查所需的数据。 诸如tableau.tableau_cardstc.deck_card.card类的调用应该/不会命中DB。



 @game.players = Player.find :all, :include => ... 

上述声明不是简单的赋值声明。 它使用给定游戏的game_id更改palyers表行。 我假设这不是你想要的。 如果您检查数据库表,您会注意到在分配后,播放器表行的updated_time已更改。



代码中的许多地方都是为关联数据编写SQL的代码。 Rails为此提供关联。


 tcards= TableauCard.find :all, :include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}], :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', self.tableau.id] 


 tcards = tableau.tableau_cards.all(:include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}]) 


您可以has_many :throughPlayer类添加has_many :through关联来进一步改进上述语句。

 class Player has_one :tableau has_many :tableau_cards, :through => :tableau end tcards = tableau_cards.all(:include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}]) 


我创建了一个应用程序来测试这段代码。 它按预期工作。 Rails运行几个SQL来急切加载数据,即:

 Begin eager loading.. SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE (`players`.game_id = 1) SELECT `tableau`.* FROM `tableau` WHERE (`tableau`.player_id IN (1,2)) SELECT `tableau_cards`.* FROM `tableau_cards` WHERE (`tableau_cards`.tableau_id IN (1,2)) SELECT * FROM `deck_cards` WHERE (`deck_cards`.`id` IN (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5)) SELECT * FROM `cards` WHERE (`cards`.`id` IN (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5)) End eager loading.. Begin tableau_contains check.. End tableau_contains check.. 




 def after_save(pa) turn = Turn.find(pa.turn_id, :include => :player_actions) game = Game.find(turn.game_id, :include => :goals) players = game.players.all(:include => [ :player_goals, {:tableau => [:tableau_cards => [:deck_card => [:card]]]} ]) if turn.phase_complete(pa, game, players) for player in game.players if(player.tableau_contains(card)) ... end end end end def phase_complete(phase, game, players) all_players_complete = true for player in players if(!player_completed_phase(player, phase)) all_players_complete = false end end return all_players_complete end 


 game.players # cached in the game object game.players.all # not cached in the game object players = game.players.all(:include => [:player_goals]) players.first.player_goals # cached 

上面的第二个语句导致自定义关联查询。 因此AR不会缓存结果。 当使用标准关联SQL获取player_goals ,为第3个语句中的每个玩家对象缓存player_goals


 player.tableau.tableau_cards = TableauCard.find :all, :include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}], :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', player.tableau.id] 

如果这应该是一个临时数组,那么你做的工作超出了必要的范围。 以下会更好:

 temp_tableau_cards = TableauCard.find :all, :include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}], :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', player.tableau.id] 


 player.tableau.tableau_cards = TableauCard.find :all, :include => [ {:deck_card => (:card)}], :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', player.tableau.id] card.whatever_logic if player.tableau.tableau_cards.include? card 


如果您分开cards = TableauCard.find...来自player.tableau.tableau_cards = cards来电,会发生什么? 也许rails会在代码中的那一点重置关联的缓存记录,然后重新加载关联。


您似乎试图通过对player.cards.tableau_cards关联的多次调用来保留急切加载的关联。 我不确定rails的工作方式是否可以实现这一function。 我相信它会缓存从sql语句返回的原始数据,但不会返回返回的实际数组。 所以:

  def test_association_identity a = player.tableau.tableau_cards.all( :include => {:deck_card => :card}) #=> Array with object_id 12345 # and all the eager loaded deck and card associations set up b = player.tableau.tableau_cards #=> Array 320984230 with no eager loaded associations set up. #But no extra sql query since it should be cached. assert_equal a.object_id, b.object_id #probably fails a.each{|card| card.deck_card.card} puts("shouldn't have fired any sql queries, unless the b call reloaded the association magically.") b.each{|card| card.deck_card.card; puts("should fire a query for each deck_card and card")} end 




 def after_save(pa) @game = Game.find(turn.game_id, :include => :goals) @game.players = Player.find( :all, :include => [ {:tableau => (:tableau_cards)},:player_goals ], :conditions => ['players.game_id =?', @game.id] for player in @game.players cards = TableauCard.find( :all, :include =>{:deck_card => :card}, :conditions => ['tableau_cards.tableau_id = ?', player.tableau.id]) logger.error("First load") player.tableau.tableau_cards = cards #See above comments as well. # Both sides of this ^ line should always be == since: # Given player.tableau => Tableau(n) then Tableau(n).tableau_cards # will all have tableau_id == n. In other words, if there are # `tableau_cards.`tableau_id = n in the db (as in the find call), # then they'll already be found in the tableau.tableau_cards call. logger.error("Any second loads?") if(tableau_contains(cards,card)) logger.error("There certainly shouldn't be any loads here.") #so that we're not relying on any additional association calls, #this should at least remove one point of confusion. ... end end end #Also in the Observer, for just these purposes (it can be moved back out #to Player after the subject problem here is understood better) def tableau_contains(cards,card_id) contains = false logger.error("Is this for loop loading the cards?") for card in cards logger.error("Are they being loaded after `card` is set?") # my logic here, looking at attributes of the Card model, with # card.deck_card.card; logger.error("What about prior to this call?") end return contains end