
我正在使用Cucumber和Capybara运行Rails 3.0.7项目,我有一个步骤定义,检查是否存在flash [:error]:

Then /^I should be able to see the main page properly$/ do current_path.should == "/" flash[:error].should == nil end 


 And I should be able to see the main page properly # features/step_definitions/user_auth_steps.rb:17 undefined method `flash' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ./features/step_definitions/user_auth_steps.rb:19:in `/^I should be able to see the main page properly$/' features/user_auth.feature:10:in `And I should be able to see the main page properly' 

这是处理变量断言的正确方法吗? 我注意到如果我使用会话[:某事],就会发生同样的错误。


 page.should_not have_css('.flash') 

要声明没有 flash消息集(任何类型),您可以执行以下操作:

 assert_predicate flash, :empty? 

要声明没有特定类型集的flash消息(在此示例中为:error ),您可以执行以下操作:

 assert_predicate flash[:error], :nil?